For this week, I was going to spend some time figuring out how to interface between the two RPis using UART. However, Jessie spent the vast majority of the time trying to figure it out for us. I spent some time initially setting up the additional RPi as there were some ssh issues but we all worked together to get the RPi connected to the wifi and were able to ssh. We were considering using a hotspot from our phone as the internet connection for our RPi but for some reason that was not working for us and we were unable to ssh. As I mentioned, after the RPi was functioning and we were able to properly ssh into it Jessie took over and spent time looking into how to connect the two RPis. I spent some time figuring out how to store videos within the database. I tried looking into it last week but was unsuccessful because of some misunderstandings I made. However, I figured out how to properly upload, reference and display the videos stored within the database. For my test, the videos were stored on my laptop’s filesystem but in the future they will be stored on the RPi. If we get an additional drive then the videos will be stored on that as well. Additionally, I do not believe we need to add functionality for our users to upload videos so it is unlikely that feature will make it to the final version but it is relatively easy to do if required.
My progress is still slightly behind but I believe that I am catching up. Again, as I emphasized before, it would be ideal if I was able to implement some basic functionality before meeting with Professor Dueck and her students next week. I believe figuring out the video portion of the web application was a good step towards that goal.
For next week, I would like to work with Jessie to figure out how to interface with the other RPi through UART. I would then want to create a simple button on my web application that can use UART to talk to the other RPi. This would be good as it could be a way to show basic communication between the two RPis and how the web application is involved. Additionally, I have figured out how to store the videos in the database but I would like to change how the videos are displayed in a more list-like format. I would like to investigate how to do that by the end of next week as well.