Team Status Report for 11/02

General updates:

  • This week the team largely worked independently. 
  • Jessie worked on setting up the accelerated RPi. She looked into putting the model on the RPi, interfacing UART between the 2 RPis, using the buzzer, and ordering a display. To find more information, refer to Jessie’s status report. 
  • Shaye worked on different iterations of the tension algorithm and set up unit testing with the videos from last week. They also organized the code for storing information about hand position information and helped debug buzzer RPi issues. Refer to Shaye’s status report for more info. 
  • Danny continued to work on the web application. He worked on figuring out how to store the video file paths within the database and how to display the videos through our web application. He implemented some functionality to allow users to upload videos but it will probably not be part of the final design. Refer to Danny’s status report for more information. 

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