Danny’s Status Report for 10/26

For this week, I spent a good amount of time doing the ethics assignment. Aside from the ethics assignment, I have created the Django project that I will be using to slowly implement the feature and test my implementation. Currently, I have looked into understanding how video files will be displayed to our users. We are currently not planning on streaming the videos to our users which makes the project easier to work with. After some research, my current plan is to store the video files on the local file system on the RPi. If needed, we can attach an external hard drive for better performance and reliability. The metadata for these videos will be stored inside the database. This will contain information such as the number of videos for a particular user, the file path to find the specific videos, the date when the video was processed, etc. I have started writing some rough code that will model this behavior in my Django project but ran into some slight issues that I have not fully debugged. This will be part of my work for next week. Lastly, we received the micro SD card so I booted the RPi and set up the necessary components to run the web server on the RPi. Once the code for the web framework has been written then it can simply be run on the RPi with minimal issues ideally. 

My progress is currently still behind but I believe I am slowly catching up. One thing that will force me to catch up quicker is having a stricter deadline. I am currently planning on having some basic functionality working for the web app before we meet Professor Dueck’s students again. This will give me a more definitive goal to complete which I believe will help me catch up.

For next week, I hope to get some of the basic functionality working on the web application and running on the RPi. At the bare minimum, I want to figure out how we will interface between the two RPis and implement the start button feature. This would allow us to begin controlling our project through the web application and would be a good starting point for the rest of the web application. For a further goal, I would like to further look into how the video files will be stored and displayed to our users. I believe I got most of my questions answered but I would like to have some sort of example functioning by the end of next week.


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