Most of my time this week was spent on the design report. I underestimated how long the design report would take us so there was little progress in terms of the web application. However, the design report helped solidify some of the ideas we had for our project. I have a deeper understanding of our overall project and have a clearer understanding of what we still need to do. The web application is also more fleshed out from working on the design report and it is more clear to me what parts I need to work on in order to complete the web application. Additionally, on Wednesday we met with the pianists again. This time it was a different group of pianists who were participating so we polled them on the UI and any web app features they might want. They seemed to really want to have more control over the different features and wanted to toggle certain features off and on. They were also interested in potentially having different types of feedback other than audio but we have not decided if we will pursue that route. The discussion with the pianists was helpful because it further clarified what they are expecting from the web application.
My progress is slightly behind schedule. One part of this is that we used the micro SD card that came with the RPi for the FPGA. Thus, I could not work on setting up the RPi to host the web application. We should be receiving another micro SD soon so I should be able to make some progress on that front. I should be able to catch up quickly as I have spent time while working on the design report to understand what I have to do. Setting up the RPi should be a fairly quick process. I would still need to work on the web application itself but that should not take a long time either. Overall, I think I am slightly behind but that it is not a major issue and that I should be able to quickly catch up.
In the next week I hope to set up the RPi for the web application hosting and to start working on the web application itself. This will involve using the Django web framework to begin writing out the different parts that we will need for our web application.