This week I started looking into web app development. My part for this project will be to work on the web app but I have no experience working with web apps. I dedicated some time researching the different parts and frameworks that go into creating a web app. There seemed to be a many ways to go about creating a web application and many tools to help. I settled on learning Django at first because it is popular and seems to provide a lot of features for both the backend and the frontend. It also seemed that if I needed to create a better/prettier frontend I can add that onto Django. Thus, I thought Django would be a good place to start picking up web apps. I am currently completing the tutorial on how to create your first web app and will be making progress throughout the rest of the week.
My progress is currently on track with my schedule and I have no concerns with falling behind.
My current plan for deliverables is to finish the Django tutorial to catch myself up to speed on how implementing the backend of a web app works. I will then continue to look into the documentation that I feel is relevant for our project. Currently, our main feature that we are considering adding into our web app is to create a page that will play the video feedback. I will try to look into what would be necessary for this to work.
On this upcoming Wednesday, we will meet with Professor Dueck’s students. I will attempt to get some preliminary feedback on what type of features they might expect from a web app. This will hopefully provide more guidance on what type of documentation from Django I would need to read so that I can begin thinking about implementing the features early.