Shannon’s Status Report for 10/12/2024 or 10/19/2024

This week, I focused heavily on writing the Design Report. Starting Monday night, I typed up the Introduction paragraph and detailing our Use Case, Use-Case requirements, and Design Requirements in to a shared document such that my other team members would be able to refer to and work on writing their separate parts (I essentially generated some points to talk about/the structure and they could elaborate on it). Then on Thursday night and Friday night, I dedicated time to working on completing my individual parts. The early half of Saturday, I worked on covering some parts that were delegated to other members but were not finished by the deadline of Friday night that we had set, and Saturday night was spent editing any jarring errors. I also spent some time detailing out everything that had to be done so as to ensure our group did not miss out on any important information in the Design Report, as well as coming up with Monday and Wednesday morning agendas for when we met up to make sure we were on track. Overall, on top of the actual work that I created/ typed up for the Design Report such as research on the various requirements, drawing up most of the diagrams in the report (all flow charts and mock-ups, I also sketched out the software part of the block diagram which Mahlet created), and the actual typing up of the document, I think I also put in a lot of mental labor to try and keep everyone on top of things. I would say that in total, I spent more than 12 hours just on the Report. 

Moving on to our project itself, I have also finished most of the coding for the pages (RPS page, TTS page, StudySession page) this week as well, and now the website resembles the mock-ups a lot more. I still have to work on some CSS elements and making the website UI more user-friendly, but everything seems to be working well. I am slightly behind schedule, as I wanted to have some Text-to-Speech functionality sorted out on the RPi, along with WebSockets, but since these are areas that require me to work with Mahlet and Jeffrey respectively, I will put my all into it once Fall break is over. Included below is some images of the website that I have working thus far:

In the next week, I’ll be working on:

  • Cleaning up the UI on the individual pages
  • Error handling for the pages
  • Building the robot with my team
  • Setting up TTS on the RPi/robot

Mahlet’s Status Report for 10/12/2024

This week, I focused mainly on the design report aspect. After my team and I had a meeting, we split up the different sections of the report fairly, and proceeded to work on the deliverables. 

I worked mainly on the audio triangulation, robot neck motion(components included) and the robot base design. In the design report, I worked on the use-case requirements of the audio response and the robot base. I made the final block diagram for our project. After this, I worked on the design requirements for the robot’s dimensions, and the audio cue response mechanism. After identifying these, I worked on the essential tradeoffs for choosing to use some of our components such as the Raspberry Pi, the servo response, choice of material for our robot’s body, and microphone for audio input. After this, I worked on the system implementation for the audio cue response and unit and integration testing of all these components. 

Following our discussion, I finalized the bill of materials, and provided risk mitigation plans for our systems and components. 

In addition to this, I was able to spend some time discussing the audio response methodology and approach with Professor Bain. After implementing the forward audio detection system (i.e. knowing the location of the audio source and the location of the microphone receivers), my goal was to work backwards, without knowing the location of the audio source. From this meeting, and further research, I concluded my approach as follows, and will be working on it in the coming week. More detail on this implementation can be found on the design report.

The system detects a double clap by continuously recording and analyzing audio from each microphone in 1.5-second segments. It focuses on a 1-second window, dividing it into two halves and performing a correlation to identify two distinct claps with similar intensities. A bandpass filter (2.2 kHz to 2.8 kHz) is applied to eliminate background noise, and audio is processed in 100ms intervals.

Once a double clap is detected, the system calculates the time difference of arrival (TDOA) between microphones using cross-correlation. With four microphones, it computes six time differences to triangulate the sound direction. The detection range is limited to 3 feet, ensuring the robot only responds to nearby sounds. The microphones are synchronized through a shared clock, enabling accurate TDOA calculations, allowing the robot to turn its head toward the detected clap.

I am a little behind on schedule as parts are not here yet. I will be working on the Robot base building with Jeffrey once that is complete, and do testing on the audio triangulation with microphones and RPi after performing the necessary preparations within the coming week. 

Shannon’s Status Report for 10/5/2024

This week, I focused on nailing down the details for the Design Report with my team. I engaged in an in-depth discussion on Thursday with our TA Ella regarding the details about our Use cases, Use-case requirements and the Design requirements. I made sure to clarify and really narrow down on the specifics. From the discussions we had, I worked on defining the features with regards to 5 areas of use case and their corresponding requirements (Power On, RPS Game, TTS, Studying Session, Audio Cue Response). Below, I’ll illustrate the features for Power On and RPS Game to give an idea of what this process was like and what I accomplished at the end of it.

  • Initial greeting of a user(Power on, display screen lights up and then robot face displayed)
    • UC Requirement: Power on and display in under 3s
      Design Requirements: DCI display latency
  • RPS Game
    • UC: Starting a Game
      • UC Requirement: Start game on WA and robot responds in under 1s
      • Design Requirements: DCI display latency, WS latency
      • UC Requirement: Robot prompts user to start, user presses OK and robot responds in under 250ms
      • Design Requirement: GPIO Latency
    • UC: Playing a Game
      • UC Requirement: User presses input at the end of “Rock, Paper, Scissors, SHOOT!” countdown and robot responds with win/lose output in under 1s
        • Design Requirement: DCI display latency, RPi state calculation latency
    • UC: Ending a Game
      • UC Requirement: At the end of the initially set no. of rounds, the robot indicates Game Over! on display and reverts back to Study mode in under 1s
        • Design Requirement: DCI display latency

…and so on for all 5 areas of use case. We will be basing our design report on the outline that I have created, and I made sure to really think about the details and define everything fully so that this could be applicable to our final report as well.

Following this discussion, I realised that we had far too many elements to our robot, as on top of these 5 areas, we wanted to have a photoresistor for a niche use case (see team report for more details) and the ultrasonic sensor for user presence detection for a total of 7. As such, I lead the team in discussing whether we should consider pruning some features, and ultimately we did end up removing them from the design.

I have also worked on the study session feature this week, and it is still slightly buggy, but I have confidence that I can fix the issues. I have also finished creating all the necessary pages we need for our WebApp. According to the Gantt chart, I am slightly behind schedule, since I also aimed to finish the Todo-List feature this week, but since it is a simpler feature than the Study Sessions, I prioritised that instead. To catch up, I plan on dedicating extra time next week to work on finishing up these features, and since all other WebApp features left to do next week are with regards to the robot, I will enlist help from my team members to ensure we remain on target.

In the next week, I’ll be working on:

  • Completing the Design Report
  • Completing the Study Session and Todo-List features
  • Coding up RPS Game Page
  • Coding up TTS Page
  • Researching TTS with Mahlet to test a few short inputs