Team’s Status Report for 12/07/2024


Currently the most significant risk for the audio localization is noise introduced through the USB ports connection using the RaspberryPi. When tested on a local computer, the signals are in the expected range with numerically and visually different outputs for different audio input intensity. However on the RPi, every signal is already amplified and louder audio is indistinguishable from regular audio input due to the resolution range of the Arduino Uno. Lowering the voltage supplied to the microphones to the minimum viable option also doesn’t solve this issue. The contingency plan for this is to perform the audio processing on the computer that hosts the web app. This ties into the system change if we can’t find any other alternative solution for it. No financial cost is incurred due to this change.


Another aspect of the schedule currently worked on is hardware integration of the keypad to the RPi5. I (Jeffrey) am behind on this currently, but am trying to incorporate this with the existing software code that controls the RPS game/logic. We have already adapted the contingency plan, as the current RPS game and logic works with touchscreen display, so we have that prepared in the case that integration with hardware proves more difficult. We haven’t made significant changes to the schedule/block diagram and have built in slack time on tonight and Sunday to ensure that we can continue working on system integration while getting our poster/video demo in by Tuesday/Wednesday night. 


Schedule Changes: 

Our final 2 weeks schedule is included in the following spreadsheet.


TTS unit testing:

For the text-to-speech feature,  we tested various word lengths to find the appropriate default string to prevent high latency when using the feature. This included one sentence (less than 10 words, ~0.5s), 25 words (~2s), 50 words (~2.5-3s), 100 words (~6-8s) and a whole page of text (~30s). We also tried jotting down notes as the text was read and 50 words was determined to be the ideal length in terms of latency and how much one could note down as text is being read continuously. During this testing, we also noted the accuracy of the text being read to us and it was accurate almost all the time,  with the exception of certain words that reads slightly weirdly (e.g. “spacetime” is read as “spa-cet-ime”).  


Study Session unit testing:
We tested this by creating multiple study sessions, and then testing out the various actions that can occur. We tried:

  • Creating a Standard Study Session on the WebApp and seeing if the robot display timer starts counting up
  • Pausing on the robot display and seeing if the WebApp page switches to Study Session in Progress
  • Resuming on the robot display and seeing if the WebApp page switches to Study Session on Break
  • Ending the Study Session (before the user-set goal duration) on the WebApp and seeing if the robot display timer stops and reverts back to the default display
  • Letting the Study Session run until the user-set goal duration is reached and seeing if the pop-up asking the user if they would like to continue or to end the session appears
  • If the user clicks OK to continue, the robot display continues to count up
  • If the user clicks Cancel to stop, the robot display reverts back to default display, the WebApp shows an End Session screen displaying session duration information.
  • Created a Pomodoro Study Session and set break and study intervals on the WebApp, seeing if the robot display starts counting up
  • Waiting until the study interval is reached, and seeing if the break reminder audio “It’s time to take a break!” is played
  • Waiting until the break interval is reached, and seeing if the study reminder audio “It’s time to continue studying!” is played


TTS + Study Session (Studying features) system testing:

  • Create a Standard Study Session, test to make sure that while a study session is in progress (not paused), that the user can use the text-to-speech feature with no issues → user can use the text-to-speech feature, return back to the study session, and also if the goal duration is reached while the user is using the TTS feature, when they return back the pop-up still occurs
  • Test that using text-to-speech feature while no Study Session is ongoing is not allowed (if no study session created → redirects to create new study session page, if study session created but on pause → redirects back to current study session)
  • Test that using text-to-speech feature during a Pomodoro Study Session is not allowed 
    • This was a design change as the break reminder sent during a Pomodoro Study Session would interfere with the audio being played while the user is using the text-to-speech feature


Audio unit testing: 

For audio localization simulation, an array of true source values from 0 to 180 have been fed into the program, and have received an output as follows. The general trend it follows is consistent with the expectation, and goal of 5 degrees margin of error. The mean error calculation based on the output turned out to be 2.00 degrees. It is done by calculating the mean absolute error between the true angles and the estimated angles. This mean error provides a measure of the accuracy of the angle estimation. The lower the mean error, the higher the accuracy of the results. 

The total time it takes to compute one audio cue is 0.0137 seconds. 

This is done by using the time library in python and keeping track of the start and end times of computation.


Audio + Neck rotation testing: 

Audio testing on the microphones, signal outputs show a clap lands on the threshold of above 600 with the Arduino Uno’s ADC pin resolution. This value is used to detect a clap cue. This input is being sent to the RPi, and there have been results of inconsistent serial communication latency. This issue is still undergoing more testing. The latency is approximately 20 to 35 seconds to send angle computation from the RPi to the Arduino to change the stepper motor’s position. The most frequently occurring latency of communication is 0.2 seconds or less. 

The time it takes for the stepper motor to go from 0 to 180 degrees(our full range of motion) is 0.95 seconds.This value is inline with our expectation of less than 3 seconds for response assuming latency of 0.2 seconds. 

The accuracy testing for audio localization accuracy using a microphone is still under progress due to the latency issue, enough data hasn’t been collected to finalize this. This will be thoroughly addressed in the final report.


RPS logic unit testing:

Tested individual functions such as determine winner, and ensure register_user_choice() printed out that the right input was processed. 

I also tested the play_rps_sequence to display the correct Tkinter graphics and verified that the sequence continued regardless of user input timing. For the number of rounds, I haven’t been able to test the rounds being sent from the Web App to the RPi5, but with a hardcoded number of rounds, I’ve been able to verify that the game follows expected behavior and terminates once the number of rounds is reached, which includes rounds where no input from the user is registered. Furthermore, I had to verify Frame Transitions,

Where we would call methods to transition from state to state depending on the inputs received. For example. If we are in the RPS_confirm, we would want to transition to a display that would showcase the RPS sequence, once OK is pressed (in this case, OK would be an UP arrow key press on the keypad)


Finally, I had to handle websocket communication to verify that information sent from the Web App could be received on the RPi5 (in the case of handle_set_duration). The next step would be ensuring that I can properly parse the message (in the case of handle_set_rounds) to have an accurate retrieval of information sent from the Web App.


For overall system tests, I’ve been working on the RPS game flow, testing that 3 rounds can be played and that the game produces expected behaviors. I found some cases of premature termination of displaying the sequence or missing inputs, but was able to fix that through iterative testing until the game worked fully as expected utilizing touchscreen buttons. The next step from here would be eliminating the touchscreen aspect and transitioning the code to utilize key pad inputs with evdev (a linux based system that the RPi5 can incorporate). Web App integration also needs to be worked on, for the RPS game. For the study session, Shannon and I have worked on those aspects and ensured that the study session behavior works fully as expected. I would also have to start doing overall system tests on the hardware, which would be the keypad presses in this case. I want to verify that the evdev library can properly detect hardware input on RPi5, and translate that into left -> “rock”, down -> “paper”, right -> “scissors”. In the case of the up key, we would expect different behavior depending on self.state. For instance, in the rps_confirm state, an up press would act as a call to start_rps_game. If we are in the results screen, an up arrow press would act as proceeding to the next round. If we are in the last round of a set of rps games, the up arrow would act as a return home button, with the statistics of those rounds being sent to the Web App.

Team’s Status Report for 11/30/2024

For this week, one risk that we are taking on is adapting the DSI display touch screen to use the keypad for inputs instead. We want to complete the pipeline of keypad to RPi5 to Web App. The Web App and RPi5 connection is working well currently, using socket.IO to maintain low latency communication. However, the next step is having keypad inputs as opposed to using the DSI display touchscreen while maintaining the low latency requirements. While it is possible that we will have some difficulties with a smooth integration process, we do not foresee any huge errors/bugs occurring. Nevertheless, should we get stuck, the mitigation plan is to use the touch screen of the DSI display.

Another minor but potential risk during the demo is that given that our project assumes a quiet study environment, the audio detection relies on identifying a higher volume threshold for the double clap audio cue. If we are in a relatively noisy environment, there is a risk of interference in the audio detection mechanism. One way to mitigate this risk is to increase the audio threshold in a noisy environment, or performing the demo in an environment the project assumes. 

One major design change is regarding the audio input mechanism. Since the RaspberryPi does not have an analog to digital converter, we have used an Arduino to get the correct values for the audio input for audio localization. This did not affect the schedule, as it was easily integrated into the integration portion of the system. Budget wise, this did not incur any budget constraints as we used an Arduino we have from a previous course. Other than that, we haven’t made any changes to the existing system design, and are mainly focused on moving forward from risk mitigation steps to final project implementations, to ensure our use cases are addressed in each system.

The schedule remains the same, with no updates to the current one. 

Overall, our team has accomplished:

  1. WebApp implementation
  2. Audio Response feature (position estimation with 5 degrees margin of error) 
  3. Partial Study Session implementation (WebApp to RPi communication completed)
  4. Partial RPS game implementation
  5. TTS Feature (able to play audio on the robot’s speaker) 

More details on each feature can be found in the individual reports.

Team’s Status Report for 11/16/2024

One risk that our team is currently addressing is the RPi5 acting as a server to the Web App. Our contingency plan is using the DSI display touch screen to ensure that features such as pause/resume/end study session is working, and button presses on the DSI display would be synced with the Web App. Right now, we are testing that with socket.IO, we are able to communicate with the RPi5. In particular, we want the duration to be inputted on the Web App, to initiate a study session, and for the timer display to start ticking on the DSI display. In the future, we plan to integrate this with GPIO pins, so the user can directly input key presses on the robot body, and the RPi will emit an event that has occurred, such as a pause/resume. After the emit, we want the web socket to listen for these events and update the Web App accordingly and sync itself with the DSI display (controlled by RPi5).

We will use this process for all four of our features (Study Session, Text-to-Speech, RPS Game, Audio Response). Using Study Session feature as an example, this is what our validation process looks like:

  • Have users go through and use our Study Session feature from start to end. Ideally we would want a good mix of 5-10 people who have used online study timers and people who have not.
    • We will have the different users try out starting a Study Session on the WebApp (setting the name, duration, type) and then pausing/resuming the session on the robot, and then finally ending the session on the WebApp.
    • We will have them try out the different types of study sessions (Standard vs. Pomodoro – comes with built-in break time) and also try ending a study session before the set duration is up vs. ending it after (when the study session has reached goal duration it should send an alert to the user to ask them if they wish to continue and be able to do so)
    • At the end, we will have them fill out a feedback form focusing on
      • Any confusion/unintuitive use of the product (e.g. buttons too small, want certain information to be displayed elsewhere) – General question asked for all 4 features
      • Satisfaction with the WebApp and robot interactions (e.g. latency issues) – Specific question for Study Session, RPS Game, Text-to-Speech
      • If the user felt this feature would help them develop better time management for tasks and foster better studying habits – Specific question for Study Session
      • Overall suggestions for improvement of this feature – General question
  • For the Text-to-Speech feature,
    • Feedback form will also include a question asking:
      • How the feature was useful for audio learners
  • For our audio response feature, it would be similar except
    • During a study session, the robot will reset to the default position of 90 degrees, giving full attention towards the student.
    • During a study session break, the user can get the attention of the robot at a different location, and proceed with any task. The user can play the rock-paper-scissors game, or do any break time activity as desired.
    • Feedback form will also additionally include:
      • How the feature facilitates their study break (was it entertaining or distracting)
  • For the RPS Game feature,
    • Feedback form will also include:
      • How the feature facilitates their study break (was it entertaining, a good stress relief or not really useful/boring)

This will be a Google form with 4 sections to provide feedback on each feature.

Design changes:
There have been no design changes to our project
Schedule changes:
There have been no changes to the schedule.

Team Status Report for 11/09/2024

Currently the biggest risk is to the overall system integration. Shannon has the WebApp functional, and Jeffrey has been working on unit testing individual parts of code such as RPS/DSI display. We will have to work on ensuring that the overall process is smooth, starting from ensuring the inputs from GPIO pins on the robot can be processed by RPi and then that the relevant information is sent to the Web App accordingly through WebSockets (so we can record information such as rock paper scissors game win/loss/tie results) and then that the WebApp displays the correct information based on what it received through WebSockets.

We will also need to perform some latency testing to ensure that this process is happening with little delay. (e.g. pausing from the robot is reflected promptly on the WebApp – WebApp page should switch from Study Session in progress to Study Session on break page almost instantly). 

Due to the display screen to RPi ribbon connector’s length and fragility, we have decided to limit the neck rotation to a range of 180 degrees. In addition, translational motion is also limited because of this. Therefore, by the interim demo, we only intend to have the rotational motion, and depending on the flexibility of the ribbon connector, we will limit or get rid of the translational motion. 

Interim demo goals:


  1. I will have a working audio localization with or close to the 5 degree margin of error in simulation. 
  2. I plan to have the correct audio input signals in each microphone, and integrate this input with the audio processing pipeline in the RPi.
  3. I will integrate the servo motor with the neck motion, and make sure the robot’s neck motion is working as desired.
  4. I will work with Shannon to ensure TTS functionality through gTTS and will do testing on pyttsx3 directly from RPi. 


I aim to have the Study Session feature fully fleshed out for a standard Study Session, such that a user can 

  1. Start a Study Session on the WebApp (WebApp sends information to robot which starts timer)
  2. Pause it on the robot (and it reflects on the WebApp)
  3. When goal duration has been reached, the robot alerts WebApp and WebApp displays appropriate confirmation alert 
  4. User can choose to end the Study Session or continue on the WebApp (WebApp should send appropriate information to RPi) 
    1. RPi upon receiving information should either continue timer (Study Session continue) or display happy face (revert to default display)*
  5. At any point during the Study Session, user should also be able to end the Study Session (WebApp should send information to RPi)
    1. RPi upon receiving information should stop timer and then display happy face (revert to default display)*

* – indicates parts that Jeffrey is in charge of but I will help with

I also plan to have either the pyttsx3 library working properly such that the text-to-speech feature works on the WebApp, or have the gTTS feature working with minimal (<5s) processing time by pre-processing the user input into chunks and then generating mp3 files for each chunk in parallel while playing them sequentially.

For the RPS Game feature, I aim to ensure that the RPi can receive starting game details from the WebApp and that the WebApp can receive end game statistics to display appropriately.


The timer code is able to tick up properly, but I have to ensure that pausing the timer (user can pause timer using keypad) is synced with WebApp. Furthermore, the time that the user inputs is stored in the Web App in a dictionary. I currently have code that is able to extract the study time from the duration (key in dictionary), and passes that into the study timer function, so the robot can display the time counting up on the DSI display. One mitigation is that we have the pause functionality on the DSI display itself, as opposed to GPIO input -> RPi5 -> WebApp. By using the touchscreen, we decrease reliance on hardware and makes it easier to debug via Tkinter and software.


RPS code logic is functional, but needs to be able to follow the flow chart from design report to go from confirm “user is about to play a game” screen -> display rock/paper/scissors (using Tkinter) -> display Win/Loss/Tie screen, or reset if no input confirmed. Our goal is to use the keypad (up/down/left/right arrows) connected to RPi5 to take in user input, and output the result accordingly. One mitigation goal is that we can utilize the touchscreen display of the DSI display, to directly take in user input on the screen to send to the WebApp. 

Integration goals: 

  1. The TTS will be integrated with the speaker system. Mahlet and Shannon are working on the TTS and Jeffrey will be working on outputting the TTS audio through the speaker. 
  2. For the Web App, Jeffrey needs to be able to take in user input from the Web App (stored as json), parse it, and send inputs to functions such as timer counting up, or the reverse, where a user action is sent to the WebApp i.e. user chose rock, and won that round of RPS. 


There have not been any changes to our schedule.

Team Status Report for 11/02/2024

The most significant risk is the TTS functionality. The hi library has been causing issues when data text input is directed from the WebApp directly. We have issues where a “run loop has already started” error occurs when trying to read new text after the first submission. As such, we have looked into alternatives, which includes Google TTS (gTTS). Upon trying gTTS out, we realized that while it does work successfully, it takes a significant amount of time to read long pieces of text aloud. Short texts with <20 words take an insignificant amount of time (2-3s) but longer pieces of text we tried such as 1000 words can take up to approximately 30s, and when we tried a standard page of text from a textbook, it took roughly 20s. These time delays are quite significant and is due to the fact that gTTS converts all text to mp3 first, and then the mp3 is played on the WebApp, whereas the previous TTS engine we wanted to use, pyttsx3, converts the text to speech as it reads the input text, and so performs much better. We also tried installing another TTS library, (just called the TTS python library) as a potential alternative for our purpose. We found that the file is very big, and when we tried installing it to our local computer it took hours and still wasn’t complete. We are concerned about the size of the library as we have limited space on the RPi. This library supports 1100 languages, and it takes very long to install. We plan to keep this in mind as a potential alternative, but as of now, gTTS library is the better option.

One potential risk with the DCI display to RPi5 connection is the fact that we aren’t able to connect via the HDMI port. Our goal is to use the MIPI DSI port. From the Amazon website, there is an example video of connecting the DCI display directly to the RPi5, to ensure that the display is driver free and compatible with the RPi signal (The RPi OS should automatically detect the display resolution). The display is 800×480 pixels, if our port isn’t working, we can directly set the resolution to the screen via code: hdmi_cvt = 800 480 60 6. This represents the horizontal resolution and vertical resolution in pixels, the refresh rate in hertz, as well as the aspect ratio, respectively. 

As an update to our previous report concerns about not having built the robot base, this week, we have managed to laser-cut the robot base out of wood. Since the base is designed to be assembled and disassembled easily, it allows for easy parts access/modification to the circuit. For photos and more information about this, refer to Mahlet’s Status Report.  

There are no changes to our schedule.

Team Status Report for 10/26/2024

The most significant risk is currently the arrival of parts being delayed. Despite the submission of parts prior to fall break, we still haven’t received them, pushing our parts integration and testing timeline backward. We have the hardboard wood, purchased from TechSpark. Once the parts are in our possession, we can start assembling the robot base. Timeline wise, the assembly should only take a couple of hours. Our contingency plan is to make good use of our slack time assigned to make sure we can catch up to our schedule and finish building the robot base. 

Another aspect of the design that poses some risk is the overall integration. We would want our Study Session and TTS feature to be able to occur at the same time (i.e. while studying, a student should be able to use the TTS feature and have the robot read to them without it affecting the session in terms of pausing or ending it). We want the WebSocket communications and the TTS processes to seamlessly integrate but there may be some threading issues that we have to account for which may cost us additional time to integrate those parts together. Our contingency plan for this is to use multithreading on the RPi. There is also a chance that the TTS feature might take up too much processing resources on the RPi, affecting the study session and so in that case, our contingency plan would be to have the TTS work directly on the user’s computer through the WebApp. 

No further changes have been made to the overall design of the system, and we are keeping a close eye on our project to make sure we adjust if necessary when any further issues arise but as for now, we foresee no issue with our current plan.

Team Status Report 10/12/2024 / 10/19/2024

The most significant risk as of now is that our team is slightly behind schedule and should be working on completing the build of the robot base and individual component testing along with the implementation using the RPi. To manage these risks, we will use some of the slack time delegated to catch up on these tasks and ensure that our project is still overall on track. Following the completion of the design report, we were able to map the trajectory of each individual task. Some minor changes were also made to the design, with the removal of the todo-list feature on the WA because it felt non-essential and was a one-sided feature on the WebApp, and the neck of the robot having only rotational motion response along the x-axis for audio cue, and y-axis (up and down) translation for a win during RPS Game. We decided to change this because we wanted to reduce the range of motion for our servo horn that connects the servo mount bracket to the DCI display. By focusing on the specified movements, our servo motor system will be more streamlined and even more precise in turning towards the direction of the audio cues.

Part A is written by Shannon Yang

The StudyBuddyBot (SBB) is designed to meet the global need for accessible, personalized learning by being a study companion that can help structure/regulate study sessions  and incorporate tools like text-to-speech (TTS) for auditory learners. The accompanying WebApp to the robot ensures that it can be accessed globally by anyone with an internet connection, without requiring users to download or install complex software or paying exorbitant fees. This accessibility factor helps make SBB a universal solution for learners from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

With the rise of online education platforms and global initiatives to support remote learning, tools like the StudyBuddyBot fill a crucial gap by helping students manage their time and enhance focus regardless of geographic location. If something similar to the pandemic were to happen again, our robot would allow students to continue learning and studying from the comfort of their home while mimicking the effect of them studying with friends. 

Additionally, as mental health awareness grows worldwide, the robot’s ability to suggest breaks can help to address the global issue of burnout among students. The use of real-time interaction via WebSockets allows SBB to be responsive and adaptive, ensuring it can cater to students across different time zones and environments without suffering from delays or a lack of interactivity.

Overall, by considering factors like technological accessibility, global learning trends, and the increasing focus on mental health, SBB can address the needs of a broad, diverse audience.

Part B is written by Mahlet Mesfin

Every student has different study habits, and some struggle to stay focused and manage their break times, making it challenging to balance productivity and relaxation. Our product, StudyBuddyBot (SBB), is designed to support students who face difficulties in maintaining effective study habits. With features such as timed study session management, text-to-speech (TTS) for reading aloud, a short and interactive Rock-Paper-Scissors game, and human-like responses to audio cues, SBB will help motivate and engage students. These personalized interactions keep students focused on their tasks, making study sessions more efficient and enjoyable. In addition, SBB uses culturally sensitive dialogue for its greeting features, ensuring that interactions are respectful and inclusive.

Study habits vary across different cultures. For example, some cultures prioritize longer study hours with fewer breaks, while others value more frequent breaks to maintain focus. To accommodate these differences, SBB offers two different session styles. The first is the Pomodoro technique, which allows users to set both study and break intervals, and the second is a “Normal” session, where students can only set their study durations. Throughout the process, SBB promotes positive moral values by offering encouragement and motivation during study sessions. Additionally, the presence of SBB creates a collaborative environment, providing a sense of company without distractions. This promotes a more focused and productive study atmosphere.

Part C was written by Jeffrey Jehng

The SBB was designed to minimize its environmental impact while still being an effective tool for users. We focus on SBB’s impact on humans and the environment, as well as how its design promotes sustainability. 

The design was created to be modular, so a part that wears out can be replaced as opposed to replacing the whole SBB. Key components, such as the DCI display screen and the microcontroller (RPi), were selected for their low power consumption and long life span, to reduce the need for replacement parts. To be even more energy efficient, we will implement conditional sleep states to the SBB to ensure that power is used only when needed. 

Finally, we have an emphasis on using recyclable materials, such as acrylic for the base, and eco-friendly plastics for the buttons, that reduce the carbon footprint of the SBB. By considering modularity, energy efficiency, and sustainability of parts, the SBB can be effective at assisting users and balancing its functionality with supporting these environmental concerns.

Team Status Report 10/5/2024

After the design review, our team sat down and had a discussion on whether we should do some pruning to our features following Professor Tamal’s advice. As such, we have made some changes to our design. We have decided to remove 2 features – the ultrasonic sensor and the photoresistor from our robot design.  Our changes were to address significant risks with regards to implementing too many features and not having enough time to test and properly integrate them with each other. Doing so will also provide more slack time in between to address issues. We also further discussed specifics regarding the microphones we will have on our robot. One potential risk to mitigate would be the speaker and motor servos design. We plan to start our implementation with a speaker that can fit in the robot body along with motor servos that can provide left/right translation coupled with up/down z-axis translation. We would implement this plan if the robot is unable to do a more swivel type motion, so that our robot can still maintain interactivity without being too difficult to program its movements.

Changes to existing design: Removal of Ultrasonic Sensor and Photoresistor

The purpose of the ultrasonic sensor was to sense the user’s presence to decide whether to keep the timer running or not during a study session. However, this use case clashes with the text-to-speech(TTS) use case where if the user is using TTS and leaves the desk area to wander around, the sensor would trigger the timer and pause the study session and the TTS although the user did not intend for it to be paused. Even if it was possible to allow the user to continue listening to the generated speech, it limits the user from being able to walk around during studying. By removing the sensor, this allows a more flexible study style among users. We will be replacing this with a timer pause/play button on the robot’s leg. If the user needs to quickly get away from the desk they can click the button to pause the timer, and can also walk around/ fidget when studying. Furthermore, this resolves the issue of having to add additional features like an alert asking the user if they are still there because in practice, the sensor could eventually stop noticing the user, if the user is very still.

As for the photoresistor, the use case was when the robot is already turned on, but goes into an idle state and so if the user turns a light on, the robot should be able to “wake up” and greet the user. We felt that this use case was too niche, and although a nice perk to have, not integral to the design of the robot. Fundamentally, the robot is meant to help a student study but also provide entertainment when the study is tired/needs a break. Thus, this feature felt not as crucial to include in our project. We believe it would be more beneficial for us to remove it and focus on making our other features better instead. 

Changes to existing design: Addition of an idle state 

An additional feature that our team devised was to implement a sleep state for the robot to conserve power and prevent the Raspberry Pi from overheating. If the user leaves in the middle of a study session or doesn’t return after a break reminder, the robot will enter a sleep state after 10 minutes of inactivity, upon which the robot’s DCI display will feature a sleeping face screensaver. We believe that a sleep state is useful to both save power and pause all processes, and if users choose to return to a study session, the robot will be able to wake up on command and resume processes such as study timers and interactive games immediately.

Specification of existing design: Microphones

We have decided that we will be using two pairs of  compact ½”cardioid condenser microphones. Each placed at the corners of the robot to pick up sound within a 3 feet radius. This will not incur additional costs, as it will be borrowed from the ECE department. 

Update to schedule: 

Removal of testing and integration for the ultrasonic sensor and photoresistor to allow for more integration time for all other components. Otherwise, everything remains the same.

Team’s Status Report for 9/28/2024

The most significant risk for our team right now would be the integration of the Robot with the WebApp. We are thinking of using WebSockets because of its low-latency nature with full-duplex communication which would allow better real-time communication between the robot and the WebApp.  However, a key challenge is that none of us have prior experience with using WebSockets in this specific context, creating uncertainty around implementation and potential delays. To manage this risk, we plan on scheduling dedicated time for learning WebSocket integration and seeking advice from mentors or who have used WebSockets.  As for our contingency plans, we plan to possibly switch to a standard HTTP-based communication using REST APIs over WiFi, (though this might introduce higher latency), or using a physical Ethernet connection to reduce the risk of network disruptions, (though this would reduce flexibility in robot placement and mobility).

Another possible challenge is integrating the DCI display with the Raspberrypi. Ensuring a reasonable frame per second value along with a smooth facial transition, such as blinking and smiling,  to ensure human-like interaction with the bot. To implement this, we will use certain python graphics libraries like Pygame for simple 2D rendering, or Kivy for a more advanced interface.  To maximize the lifespan of the screen, we will be using screensaver and sleep mode  during idle moments or periodically change the content displayed on the screen by making slight changes. This can be done during timer countdowns and is generally not a concern if the user is not using the bot. 

We also got together as a group to update our system specification diagram, which we included in our design proposal.

We decided to allocate specific time to the WebSockets integration of the robot next week.

Part A was written by Mahlet Mesfin

Our StudyBuddyBot is a study companion meant to motivate students to study, track their study habits and provide relaxation when they take breaks in between their study sessions. This allows students to have a good experience while being productive inducing psychological satisfaction. The bot can guide students to follow optimal study schedules(such as the Pomodoro technique), which ensures a well balanced approach to work and rest. This will help prevent overworking, overall leading to a better mental and emotional health.  In addition, we will be incorporating reminders for the user to take breaks in reasonable intervals reducing fatigue and eye strain. 

The game feature of this StudyBuddyBot allows for a short but fun experience during these study sessions, timed well so that they don’t cause prolonged distraction. This will also help in fostering the sense of companionship and reducing the feeling of isolation for those who can’t focus well in the presence of other individuals. This can boost the well-being of someone through emotional support. 

Part B was written by Shannon Yang

The StudyBuddyBot will improve productivity and the well-being of students in academic environments. It will serve as a structured study companion that can help students. In situations where students have limited access to in-person interaction due to cultural factors, the robot is able to simulate a studying environment with a friend. The features for interaction that the robot has can also help to bridge gaps in the social and emotional support systems that students may lack from their surroundings. Some of the robot’s features could also be used to cater to specific cultural or social preferences (for example, setting prayer time reminders for those who observe religious practices). By incorporating both study assistance and social engagement, the robot aligns with the growing trend of technology being used to support mental health and productivity, acknowledging the cultural and social importance of companionship in learning and promoting greater work-life balance. 

Part C was written by Jeffrey Jehng

With the StudyBuddyBot, we want to use cost-effective components to balance affordability with quality. By implementing a modular design, we can have a scalable distribution in the future and ensure durability of the final product. 

An example of our final product use-case could be in a school setting, where administration/students may have a limited budget for these educational tools. By designing the StudyBuddyBot with affordable components and integration with a companion web-app to decrease the need for high-performance hardware, we can focus on developing key functionalities such as robot interaction and features to motivate student studying. The emphasis on affordable components under our $600 budget can make our design a cost-effective solution to assist schools in integrating advanced technology into the classroom.   

Team’s Status Report for 9/21/2024

The most significant risk right now would be the usage of the MEMS microphone. We have some concerns about how it may be difficult to triangulate well with our robot’s small form factor. We are planning on mitigating this risk by adding a directional microphone. Performing audio analysis on the MEMS requires careful and precise array design to have good accuracy. Using a directional microphone will help in identifying the general source of the audio and pairing that with an array of MEMS microphones will allow for better audio localization and recognition. 

An array of three MEMS microphones are sufficient to perform a 2D plane triangulation along the X and Z axis of the robot head. Microphones will be placed on the back of the head, on the left and on the right. Performing signal analysis on the input from each microphone will allow us to identify the source of the audio with a margin of error of about 5 degrees.

We believe that this combination of changes to the microphone system would improve the accuracy of the system. As an additional layer of risk mitigation, we plan to reduce the activation distance of the audible cues. This will ensure that the microphones would be able to accurately pinpoint the location. To that end, our desired goal would be for the audible cues to activate once the student is at the desk, within 3 feet of the robot.

Based on the feedback, slight changes to the Gantt chart have been made to account for time to identify specific parts that we need to purchase for our robot. We looked at the purchasing pdf to prepare a purchase request form from the parts inventory and we are working on narrowing down the list of parts that we will need. This will help us have a clearer picture of exactly what components our robot will have and for what purpose.