Introduction and Project Summary

Playing the drums is great. But many times, percussionists can afford to bring and entire drum set with them when they travel, move into smaller living quarters, or simply don’t have the funds to buy a full electronic drum set. DrumLite resolves this issue. The project allows users to play and electronic drum set on any surface given using machined drumsticks and computer vision. To play DrumLite, place the camera unit above you facing towards the surface you plan on playing (ideally with a camera stand) and plug it and the drumsticks into your laptop. Then, move the 8 distinct ring pads on your playing surface. These will be seen as the drums by the computer vision model. Once your systems are all up and running, simply start playing on the surface as you would a drum set.

In addition to the default setup, you can use the DrumLite webapp to configure specific sounds for each drum, so instead of using a basic snare sound, you could choose to use a distorted, brush snare sound and so fourth. Just setup whatever sounds you wanna use in the app, click the “upload configuration” button and play your new drum set.

(Block Diagram Link)