Team Status Report for 9/28

This week our team focused heavily on preparing for the design presentation. This meant not only continuing to build up our ideas and concepts for DrumLite, but in doing so, actually starting to develop some base code to be used for both initial experimentation and proof of concept, but also for testing purposes down the line. We initially struggled with coming up with design requirements base on our use case requirements. We couldn’t really understand the difference between the two initially, but came to the conclusion that while use case requirements were somewhat black boxed and focused more on how the product needs to behave/function, design requirements should focus on the requirements that need to be met implementation-wise in order to achieve the use case requirements.

We then developed our design requirements and directly related them to our use case requirements. In doing so, we also added 3 new use case requirements, which are indicated using * below. These were as follows :
1.) (use case) Drum ring detection accuracy within ≤30 mm of actual placement.

(design)Dynamically scale the detected pixel radii to match the actual ring diameters + 30mm of margin

2.) (use case) Audio response within ≤100ms of drumstick impact.

(design)BLE <30 ms, accelerometer @1000Hz, CV operating under 60ms (~15fps)

3.) (use case) Minimum layout area of 1295 cm2 (37cm x 35cm).

(design) For any given frame, the OpenCV algorithm will provide a proximity check to ensure the correct choice across a set of adjacent rings

4.) (use case*) Play the sound of the correct drum >= 95% of the time.

(design) Average stick location across all processed frames.
Exponential weighting 𝞪 = 0.8 on processed frames.

5.) (use case*) BLE transmission reliability within 10ft from laptop

(design) <=2% BLE packet loss within 10 ft radius of the laptop.

6.) (use case*) Machined drum sticks under 200g in weight.

(design) Esp32 : 31g, MPU-6050: 2g, Drumstick: 113.4g –> Ensure connective components are below 53.6g.

Individually we each focused on our own subdivisions within the project in order to either establish some ground work or better understand the technologies were working with.

Ben: Worked on creating a functioning, locally hosted webapp integrated with UI to allow for drum set configuration/customization, sound file and drum set configuration storage (MySQL), and an endpoint to interact with a users locally running server. He also worked on a functioning local server (also using flask) to receive and locally store sound files for quick playback. Both parts are fully operational and successfully communicate with one another. The next tasks will be to integrate the stored sound files with other code for image and accelerometer processing that also runs locally. Finally, the webapp will need to be deployed and hosted. Risks for this component of the project are centered around how deploying the webapp will affect the ability for the webapp server to communicate with the local one, as currently the both run on local host.

Belle: Focused on developing a testing setup for our object detection system. In order to determine the average amount of time required for OpenCV object detection to identify the location of a drumstick tip, Belle created a MATLAB script in which she drew 4 rings of varying size and moved a red dot (simulating the tip of the drum stick) around the 4 rings. We will use a screen capture of this animation in order to determine a.) the amount of time it takes to process a frame, and b.) subsequently the number of frames we can afford to pass to the object detection module after detecting a hit. Currently, she has a python script using OpenCV that is successfully able to identify the location of the dot as it moves around within the 4 rings. The next step here is to come up timing metrics for object detection per frame.

Elliot: Elliot spent much of his time in preparation for the design presentation, fleshing out our ideas fully, and figuring out how best to explain them. In addition, he worked out how we will communicate with the MCU and accelerometer contained by the drumsticks via python. He additionally looked into BlueToothSerial for interfacing with the ESP32, and confirmed that we can use BLE for sending the accelerometer data, and usb for flashing the microcontroller. Finally, he identified a BLE simulator which we plan on using both for testing purpose and for preliminary research. This simulator accurately simulates how the ESP32 will work, including latency, packet loss, and so fourth.

In regards to the questions pertaining to the safety, social, and economic factors of our project, these were our responses (A was written by: Belle , B was written by: Elliot, C was written by: Ben)

Part A: Our project takes both public health and safety into consideration, particularly with regard to the cost and hazards of traditional drum sets. By focusing on mobility, the design enables users to play anywhere as long as they have a surface for the drum rings – effectively removing the space limitations often encountered with standard drum sets, and offering a more affordable alternative that lowers financial barriers to musical engagement. This flexibility empowers individuals to engage with their music in diverse environments, fostering a sense of freedom and creativity without having to worry about transporting heavy equipment or space constraints. Additionally, the lightweight, compact nature of the rings ensures that users can play without concerns of drums falling, causing injury, or damaging surrounding objects. This design significantly enhances user safety and well-being, and promotes an experience where physical well-being and ease of use are key.

Part B: Our CV-based drum set makes music creation more accessible and inclusive. This project caters to individuals who may not have access to physical drum sets due to space constraints, enabling them to engage in music activities without needing traditional instruments. The solution promotes the importance of music as a means of social connection, self-expression, and well-being. The project also helps foster inclusivity by being adaptable to different sound sensitivities, as you can adjust the sound played from each drum. By reducing the barrier to entry for using drum equipment, we aim to introduce music creation to new audiences.

Part C: As was stated in our use case, drum sets, whether electronic or acoustic, are very expensive (easily upwards of $400). This limits the number of people who are able to engaging in playing the drums greatly simply because there is a high cost barrier. We have calculated the net cost of our product which sits right around $150, nearly a quarter of the price of a what an already cheap drum set would cost. The reason for our low cost is that the components of a physical drum set are much more expensive. Between a large metal frame, actual drums/drum pads, custom speakers, and brain to control volume and customization, the cost of an electronic drum set sky rockets. Our project leverage the fact the we don’t need drum pads, sensors, a frame, or a brain to work; it just needs our machined sticks, a webcam, and access to the webapp. This provides access to drum sets to many individual who would otherwise not be able to play the drums.

We are currently on schedule and hope to receive our ordered part soon so we can start testing/experimenting with the actual project components as opposed to the various simulators we’ve been using thus far. Below are a few images showing some of the progress we’ve made this week:

(The webapp UI –>  link to view image here)

(The dot simulation)

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