Team Status Report for 11/30

The most significant risk to the project right now is the mechanical structure. We ordered a shelf to use as the main structure, but it may be arriving later than expected. While that is arriving, we will build what we can with the parts we have. We can laser cut our tabletop and door, and once the mounting brackets for our motor arrive we can drill holes to mount our components. The shelf should arrive with plenty of time for us to complete final assembly for the video and demo.

We have decided to not implement the rejection system for the recycling bin. Our original plan was to have the bin reject any items that were unable to be recycled or thrown away, such as batteries, paint, or chemicals. Unfortunately, datasets for these kinds of special waste are difficult to find online, and the nature of the materials makes it difficult to make the dataset ourselves with actual photos. We explored making a dataset out of images online, but most of the images we found were stock images, or didn’t have the items in the sort of photo conditions that we will have for EcoSort. We did find a dataset of battery images, and trained a version of our final model to recognize batteries, but we have decided that the main focus of our project is to be able to differentiate between recyclable and non recyclable items, and only recognizing one type of special waste wouldn’t add too much utility to EcoSort.

No scheduled changes have occurred.

Our color palette for our web app:

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