This week, I first spent time finishing up the final presentation slides, and helping my teammate with her script. Next, I wrote some test cases to test the accuracy of the http request calls. I used jest to mock out the functions and their return values, and I was able to pass all of the tests 100%.
This week we also started working on the mechanical portion of our project. Once the basic outline of the shelf was cut out, my teammates and I planned out the size of the swinging door and the table around it and went to the laser cutters and cut out the acrylic.
I also finished making the table on which the recycling information is going to be displayed. I had some issues with it displaying everything in the chart on one line, and discovered that multiline chart cells were not supported by that particular dependancy, so I switched to another one and custom made a chart that suited my purposes.
In addition, I worked on changing the code on the jetson so that if the data was successfully sent to the front end, the data would be wiped so that it wouldn’t be resending repetitive data. I have not been able to fully implement this yet, as I came into the issue of figuring out when the data had been successfully sent, as there wasn’t a response returned from the front end to tell me when it was successful.
My project is mostly on schedule, but a little bit behind due to not being finished with repetitive data issue. Other than that, I just have to finally test the web app with the rest of the project, and also add elements to it to make it look better to users.
In the next week, I will finish solving the repetitive data issue, as well as finish the aesthetic components, and finish testing with the rest of the project.