Alanis’ Status Report for 9/21

Alanis’ Status Report for 9/21

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours.

I was in charge of our group’s project proposal presentation so I made many intermediate and final revisions to our slide and practiced the presentation many times over the weekend. Two of those presentation run-throughs were in front of my team members to get their feedback. I then presented our proposal on Monday 10/16 to about ½ of the Fall 2024 capstone class. I also worked on our abstract and gave peer reviews to other capstone groups.

I began my implementation of our classification model. I created a bare-bones implementation of a clothing classification system using the fashion_mnist dataset provided by Tensorflow, just to create the general structure of my code. This file is linked here. I am also working on processing the DeepFashion dataset into training/testing data to replace the placeholder fashion_mnist data. I needed to process each dataset image by changing its name to include the clothing type, like dress_001.jpg. Previously, each image was located in a folder named with the clothing type and was named with a number starting from 1, which led to many clothing items having the same name(001.jpg, just located in different folders). I also created a labels file to add tags to each image since this is a multi label dataset. I will be using the pandas library to help process the training data and I finished matching each image name to the clothing type.  I wrote a script to do these things, which is linked here. The files I created are located in our team repo. I was struggling to download the color/fabric file because it appears as a many -1s instead of the actual attributes. I will troubleshoot this and find an alternative way to download the file.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the proiect schedule?

The progress is on schedule. I am trying to finish the dataset processing before the 25th, when I am supposed to start creating predefined outfits, so that I can use the training/testing data to create them.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

In the next week, I would like to have finished processing the dataset so that I can begin fine-tuning the model for accuracy. I would also like to finish creating predefined outfits for each category(warm business casual, cold casual, etc.)

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