What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).
This week, I worked on a few different changes for the backend/frontend and began to prepare for testing.
I added API routes for the do laundry feature and select outfit feature. These link to functions in the backend that will update the database with information about how many times an item has been used, and what kind of outfits user’s like to wear.
I worked with Alanis to test the uses until dirty feature, and made a few changes together to complete the feature.
I also worked with Riley to help him set up the communication between the Jetson and database. I helped him plan out the overall framework of how it would work, with him sending a POST request from the Jetson, and writing a function in the backend to parse the Jetson information into data that can be added to the database. I also wrote out steps on how to use FastAPI to test the parsing, and I wrote the API route for the POST request along with pseudocode with the format needed to add the data to the database.
I linked the backend functionality to the frontend for updating user preferences and item usage.
I also wrote another function in the backend to add a new item to the closet_inventory table in the database, and added more clothing to the database and images folder for testing.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
I changed the priorities of some tasks with the demo coming up, and prioritized helping to link the Jetson to the backend, along with adding more clothing items to the database over making the final updates to the outfit generation algorithm as the current one is not ideal but does work.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
I want to update the outfit generation algorithm.
Verification Tests:
I tested the accuracy of the backend by going to all of the API endpoints and making sure they produced the expected results, based on different requests. I also tested query accuracy by ensuring the responses from the database reflected the user’s wardrobe accuracy accurately. I also tested error handling for invalid API requests, and requests to the backend for information in the database without database credentials.
For verification of the database I want to confirm data consistency and reliability. This includes making sure classified items are parsed and stored into the database correctly, images are referenced accurately through the proper file paths, and wear counts update as expected when laundry is performed or outfits are selected. I also want to do testing for the consistency of selecting outfits, so that the update for user preferences and usage both get committed together or neither get committed when there are errors.
Finally, for verification of the frontend I will ensure that the frontend successfully interacts with the backend and displays data accurately. This will include testing user actions like generating outfits, and toggling laundry. These features will also be tested for speed with a goal of successfully triggering within 2 seconds. Additionally, the frontend will be tested for robustness under different scenarios such as failed API calls and situations with invalid data being given or returned. This should lead to clear feedback to users instead of crashing.