What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours.
This week, I worked on retraining our classification models, focusing on the clothing type classification model. I tried out the EfficientNet architecture, which from my research, outperforms ResNet while maintaining a low classification time on edge devices. I reprocessed our DeepFashion training data because it had been cropped incorrectly with this code. I then applied image augmentation to boost the training accuracy, the code is located here. I experimented with various combinations of image augmentation and architecture, and improved the performance from last week by 20% to 70% by using the EfficientNetB4.
While training models, I tried to find an alternative to training on my local device. I looked into CMU provided machines, however they reset every night which would interfere with the training. I also looked into using Google Colab, however the free version would not let me upload a zip file of my training data. Also, the free version runtimes are limited to around 2 hours, and even sped-up training on a GPU would take longer than that. I also signed up for a free trial for Google Cloud to utilize Colab Enterprise, however it still would not allow me to upload my training data and runtimes were limited to 17 hours, which is shorter than the training time. I will ask more about alternatives to local training during my meeting next week.
I also worked on the frontend. I added functionality to the Settings button which allows the user to input how many times a piece of clothing can be worn until it becomes dirty. This included adding a popup when the Settings button is pressed, adding an integer input field to the popup, and adding an API call when the input is entered. I also added a basic API outline to the backend code which will be updated next week with functionality of changing the setting on the backend. The frontend code is located on this branch and the backend code is located here.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the proiect schedule?
My progress is on schedule.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
Next week, I hope to start retraining the usage model. I also hope to finish the functionality for the settings button.