Alanis’ Status Report for 10/26

Alanis’ Status Report for 10/26

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours.

This week, I made progress on the frontend by integrating my local android emulator with our frontend repo that Gabriella has been working on. I then changed our main page to look more like what was proposed design report. This code is located on a separate branch on our frontend repo because Gabriella is currently using the main page to display debugging content from the backend. I am using a placeholder image for now as I am still working on drawing the actual image that we will be using. 

I also worked on our ethics assignment and discussed the group questions with Gabriella and Riley during our weekly meeting. During this weekly meeting, I also helped Riley debug why the import of OpenCV wasn’t working with Python. We initially thought the installation of OpenCV was incorrect, but the reason ended up being that the Python path was incorrect so Python could not find the installed libraries. I then wrote some code which would take an image provided by OpenCV from the camera and input it into our 3 models to output a one-hot encoded array which denotes which class it belongs to. We may have to change this array later depending on exactly how we will communicate the classes to our backend, but this code holds the general structure of the edge-device classification and allows for later output processing. The code is commented out for now to avoid conflicting with Riley’s work. I also wrote the code for testing our models by using pictures from our own closets to test our models on new data. 

predicted_classes is a one-hot encoding of the possible classes. I will use this code with pictures of our clothes to calculate the accuracy of our models on pictures that we take. 

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the proiect schedule?

My progress is on schedule.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

I hope to complete the integration of our 3 classification models and the Jetson Xavier so that it is able to take an image with it’s attached camera, feed it into our model, and output a class for the clothing type, color, and usage which can then be transmitted to our backend. I also hope to continue the testing our classification models with pictures by utilizing clothes from our own closets.

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