Kayla’s Status Report for 11/2

This week, I gathered 80+ recipe URLs from Allrecipes.com, with at least 20 recipes in each category of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert and completed the code to connect to the database via the AWS VPC endpoint and store and query recipe data. The recipes are stored in four different tables (one for each category), and each row in the table represents a different recipe, with the columns containing recipe details such as ingredients, title, and execution steps. All interactions with the database are done using a PostgreSQL client from the node-postgres module for NodeJS. I also began implementing the UI for the web app using the Material UI react libraries. So far, I’ve only made the visual elements of the UI, with hardcoded recipe cards displayed, and I will begin implementing routing and interactive elements, such as a form for users to add their own recipes, in the UI next week. The progress is back on schedule.

UI demo

Github repo (frontend code is in the client/src/pages directory, backend is in server/index.js)

Alena’s Status Report for 11/2

This week I continued to work on the microphone hardware initialization. I am running into some issues with exporting audio data, and am exploring options for how to send the data from the Pi to the voice command algorithm that I implemented. The integration of both is a bit challenging, and I’m still working on assessing the quality of the microphone. We may potentially need to switch out a part for a new microphone, but that will be finalized by mid-next week.

Progress is a bit behind because I’m running into more obstacles for initialization than I thought, but I will have the updated information relayed to Michelle by the end of the weekend. By next week, I hope to have this completed and fully integrated with voice commands. Then we can do some more integration testing with the whole system.

Michelle’s Status Report for 11/3

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).

  • This week, I worked on researching RPi to RPi communication.
  • As we progress into the stage where we will be able to communicate from the web app to the physical device, we needed to research different methods of RPi to RPi communication that would meet our latency requirements.
  • I also removed the microphone from the physical design (temporarily), as we are unsure as to whether or not the microphone will be suitable for our needs.

Is your progress on schedule or behind. If you are behind, what actions will betaken to catch up to the project schedule?

  • I am slightly behind schedule, as I am waiting on the final verdict about the microphone.
  • I am also figuring out the way to communicate between the two RPis and will not be able to make much progress in bringing up the glasses until I do so.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

  • I will either remove the microphone and the design and print the case, or I will use the microphone as the “placeholder” for a future microphone.
  • I will also figure out device-to-device communication for all sub-devices and the web app.