Things accomplished this week
- I was able to collect HW and setup the RPi with the camera to take images
- Did preliminary research on how the camera synchronization can be done using the MST algorithm
- I successfully set-up and deployed 2 databses with a 3rd one in the works [after research on the multiple options we had]
How the table looks like on the gui
- DynamoDB
- A simple csv file for testing purposes
- Amazon RDS [in case we want a server-supported option]
- We havent defined interfaces yet so I’ve been playing around with how the databases are setup and how we can change, update and query these databases [see pictures attached]
Is your progress on schedule or behind
DynamoDB deployment
1. Seems like we are on schedule for now – since we allocated time to experiment, research and learn new things before finalizing the implementation.
2. We still need to discuss a few more design choices before coming to a conclusion and weighing out pros and cons for each by actually doing tests for each implementation
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
1. I want to finalize the database we would like to use so I can fine-tune the decided one according to what we need
2. Collect data from the Rpi camera and send it to a cloud storage framework wirelessly
3. Define what the output of the vision model will look like so that there is an established connection between the yolo model and the database – and that there is successful query-ing using a text request [this will likely take another 2 weeks]