Bhaviks Status Report for 10/19/2024

The majority of the week went into working on the design review report. For this report, I worked on various sections of the paper including introductio, use case, architecture and many more. I spent quite some time with my team to understand the feedback received from the design presentation and discussed if any changes were required to the original plan. We incoorporated any needed feedback and wrote up a comprehensive design report.

I also put some time looking into interfacing with the xbee radios to begin communication with the drone. In order to test any of the code I wrote, I need the hardware first. Therefore, I placed orders for two radio devices (one for the drone and one for the base station – my laptop). I am on schedule but will need to put in some extra effort next week to make sure my code is working as expected. Additoinally, our previous order has come in and I was able to get a small start on looking into buildling the actual drone frame. This work will continue next week with the team to finish building the frame and attatching the motors for testing any initial code.

For the next week, Gaurav and I will work closely to get the vision system working on the Kria. We will uplaod the model weights to the kria and hopefully get it running. We will also build out the frame as a team to get started on testing if possible.

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