Jimmy’s Status Report 10/19


Over the previous week and fall break, to aid writing up the trade studies in the design document, I wanted to experiment with the hough circle implementation to test my belief that it would not be accurate to generate the bounding boxes. After implementing and testing the hough circle detection (using OpenCV library) and tuning the parameters, I was able to get the hough circle detection working to a somewhat accurate level, however it was still lacking as it would pick up artifacts which it seems as a circle. This was not acceptable, as it would introduce a lot of noise to our data.

I also looked into the initial implementation of the kalman filter trajectory estimations. I am going to begin using OpenCV library to get it working on video examples, and then transfer that to our OAK-D implementation.


I am slightly behind schedule as I still have yet to compile the detection model into MyriadX Blob format, which is something I will aim to do by next week. However, I am on track for the rest of the deliverables from last week.


Alongside the compilation of detection model, I will also aim to get a more robust Kalman filter tracking model working, as well as fine tuning the detection model some more.

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