Gordon’s Status Report for 12/7

A lot of effort this week was put into making calibration work for the 2D pipeline. We decided to work on just 2D for now because of an issue with depth sensing. The team status report touches on the success of the 2D pipeline, so here is more on what happened with the depth sensing. 


The depth sensing code that I was working on was successful…but only if the ball was moving at a slow to moderate speed. The way that it works is that the RGB camera is turned on and used for detection of the ball. Then the detected coordinates are used to move the region of interest (ROI) to the right spot, which will allow for the spatial camera to give us the depth of the ball. The spatial camera is only able to return depth coordinates within the ROI, and so we always had to move the ROI to get our desired depth. The issue was, due to limitations of the camera and RPI processing speed, once the ROI moves into the detected ball coordinates, by the time the spatial camera returns the depth at the ROI, the ball has already moved out of the ROI. This is why it would work for slower speeds of moving the ball around, but it isn’t quick enough to sense the ball as it is being thrown. The 2D ball detection still works at the speed of throwing the ball, but the depth ROI is unable to keep up. 


I spent a lot of effort looking into what could be done. The limited Luxonis and depthAI documentation online was hyperfocused on the provided example code didn’t prove to be of much use, and I had to resort to a lot of trial and error with which lines of code caused it to run too slowly and what could be done to improve it. Even switching out the RPI for a laptop proved to be too slow. We simply required too much computation to have both the RGB and spatial camera systems running at the same time, but there was not a way to get the pinpoint data that we required elsewise. I also tried to make a static ROI in the middle of where a throwing arc would be, and sense the ball as it passed through the ROI on screen. This was an attempt to take advantage of how the change in depth should be mostly linear, hoping that getting at least one coordinate would help with predicting the final z coordinate. Given how much effort and time was being put into making it work to no avail, we pivoted into looking into getting a second camera as another option for success. Given the limited knowledge we had, we decided to switch to a different method to get a different shot at creating the final product that we wanted.


I placed orders for setting up the 2nd camera, and did some preliminary testing on if it would work. Since our 2d model was working so well, we are confident that it will work for a front facing camera to get the z axis. For the next week, we will make sure that it gets smoothly integrated, and also put effort into the poster, video, and final report.

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