Team Status Report for 10/26

Following the conclusion of the design review report, we kicked back into gear with putting our project together. Ordered parts arrived and we began digging in. A review meeting raised several points of interest to keep our eyes on, including the role of the KRIA board in our trajectory projection pipeline, as well as testing plans/metrics, among others.


For the XY robot, all of the Amazon-ordered parts have arrived and were fully accounted for, only leaving the 3D printed parts before assembly can begin. Josiah quickly ordered PETG plastic filament (which is recyclable!) and picked it up from the receiving desk on Thursday, and all parts were printed by Friday. Additionally, a custom cup-holding mount was created and also printed, and so everything is now ready to be put together come Monday next week.


One large risk mitigation also raised in this week’s meeting was the problem with loading the YOLO model onto the camera. Fortunately, that has been fixed and the camera can accurately track the ping pong ball. A big priority now is to determine whether the camera being placed where the ball is thrown is adequate to generate accurate depth data to make predictions.


For the KRIA portion, we had a discussion where the interaction between camera and KRIA was looked into. Upon discovering that the camera is able to run CV models, our original usage of the KRIA to do video processing was put into question. Originally we had went with KRIA and then discovered that the camera was so powerful, but by then we had started work with the systems, and found it comforting that although there is a slight overlap in functionality, having the KRIA able to still do video processing is a good backup in case the camera is not good enough. Gordon continued work with setting up the KRIA environment, making steady progress.

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