This week, I added functionality to the frontend. As of now, the PDF file upload is working and the MIDI file upload is a work in progress. I also spent considerable time thinking and researching integration with the other subsystems. For the audio alignment, the actual stream could be sent to the backend. Then the backend will process the audio into data using algorithms that are already being developed in Python. An alternative is to do all the processing on the laptop that the Eye Tracking Camera is connected to, then use HTTP or web socket protocol to send only data to the backend. I’m still weighing the pros and cons of these design decisions and will continue to discuss these with more advanced full stack engineers before implementation.
Additionally, I continued to implement the frontend. I added functionality to help make the forms store data in a better way by refining the models and worked on some smaller details in the web experience. One piece of feedback we received from the interim demos was regarding the MVP of the frontend. The frontend system will be hosted locally on the laptop to which the Tobii Eye Tracker Camera is connected. As of now, my plan is to integrate the audio scripts into the backend of the django app or establish some connection between those python files and the backend. The upload page and parsing the MIDI file are two aspects I’ve been working on over the past couple of days, however these features don’t work bug-free yet.
My progress is on schedule, but I am working hard to think more about integration and am beginning to focus my efforts there. Understand the eye tracking and audio outputs and formats will help me get to a solution regarding integration. For next week, I want to be able to add some sort of integration or at least simulate it with a fake stream of live data. I would also like to establish a communication channel with one of the subsystems.
Regarding our verification and validation, we are planning to run latency tests and accuracy tests for page flipping as outlined in our design report. An important aspect of the frontend and integration is that the data streams are processed and sent to the frontend and displayed within a beat. We’ll analyze these results by timing the inputs and outputs and precisely measuring latency. This will ensure that the project meets engineering design requirements.