Welcome to our project, the Harmony Instruction Tool. Our tool intends to assist musicians, both in practice and in performance, by combining multiple musical tools into a single music viewing app. The Harmony Instruction Tool sheet music viewer will use the sheet music the user scans into the app alongside the app device’s microphone to provide three primary tools to the user. First is a real-time tuner that checks the user’s pitch against what is predicted by the sheet music. Second is a rhythm checker that checks what the user’s played rhythm against what is written in the sheet music. Lastly, an auto-scrolling/ automatic page turner that tracks where the player is in the music and adjust the amount of music shown based on parameters specified by the user. Though tuner’s, rhythm practice apps, and analog sheet music page turners already exist, these tools are all separate and do not allow for autonomous operation. Our product aims to create an environment for all of these tools to coexist, while further refining these tools so that they can dynamically change to fit specific music.