Xiaoyu’s Status Report for 12/9

This week, our team worked together and integrated the whole system, ensuring all communications between different components are working correctly. We now have achieved our MVP. We also spent some time doing user testing and other tests. We also completed the final poster and are starting to write the final report.

We are currently on schedule. Before the final demo, we will finish our last tests on cleanness and latency of erasing. After that, we will also be finishing up the final video and final report.

Xiaoyu’s Status Report for 12/2

This week, my teammates and I worked together and finished assembling the system. We tested the erasing functionality and decided the best distance and pressure for the slider rails. Also, we ordered a new type of motor driver, drv8825, in our attempts to boost the motor’s max speed. It turns out to work pretty well, doubling the speed of the motor. Our team also worked on the final presentation and a short demo video together. Here is a picture of our fully assembled system.

Currently we are on schedule. Next week, we plan to finish overall testing of the entire system, as well as the final poster, video and report.

Xiaoyu’s Status Report for 11/18

This week, Jiayi and I are working on communication between RPi and web application. We followed guidance from the internet and wrote some code. Currently it is not working, but we will work on it tomorrow to fix it. Also, as a team, we ordered wood pieces and started to assemble parts together, Now we assembled supporting structure of whiteboard, whiteboard itself and upper slider rail together, and we have concrete plans for the rest of the system.

Currently we are mostly on schedule. However, due to shipping error, we received a new motor that does not fit into our system. Considering we don’t have much time left, in order to stay on schedule, we decided to first build the system with the old motor, which is slower than we expected. Aside from that, our progress meet our schedule.

Our deliverables will be to finish communication between website and RPi and assembling mechanical system tomorrow, and spend some time before or after Thanksgiving to test the entire system.

Attached is some code for RPi-webapp communication that we are still working on.

Team’s Status Report for 11/18

The most important risk we have now is the stability of the physical system. Now that our team have completed most of hardware and software components of the project, we are now left with the mechanical part, of which all of us are inexperienced. We are planning to integrate all parts together using wood pieces. To mitigate risk, we plan to ask for help from staff at Techspark for cutting the wood, as well as reaching out to MechE friends for advices.

We are considering making changes to our design or latency requirements. Before, we were hoping that a new motor would boost the speed of erasers by 4 times, but the motor we receive does not meet the specifications of its data sheet, therefore it cannot be used. We are reaching out to the vendor about this issue. If things does not work out, we are considering relaxing latency requirements of the system and using the slower model we had.

Here is a photo of the mechanical system we have built so far. 

In response to weekly question, our team has collaborated effectively throughout the semester. We know each other before this class, and decided to take 18500 together as a team. Thus, since we know each other well, we are able to communicate effectively. The main strategy for our collaborations is to discuss problems and assign tasks clearly during our meetings, then work on our assigned tasks individually.  We make it clear what each person is responsible for and when each person is available, so that everybody has a clear picture of what’s going on. Overall we are all proud of what we’ve accomplished as a team.

Xiaoyu’s Status Report for 11/11

This week the motors arrived and I have successfully tested my  motor control code from last week. I also did current limiting on motor driver and now the motor can spin in both directions for different speed and distance. I also spend time writing accelerate function of motor, which allows it to gradually accelerate to a bigger maximum speed. Attached is a photo of the motor.

My progress is on schedule this week. Next week we plan to finish communication between RPI and website. Our team also ordered some wood, and are planning to assemble the physical component on the whiteboard next week.

For the motor part, I have already performed unit tests on functionality and latency. Currently, the motor is functional, but latency test performance is not satisfying, because the screw rod is very inefficient in transferring  rotation to horizontal movement. We ordered some new rods that are 4x more efficient, and will perform further latency tests later this week.

We are also planning to do some usability tests after we complete building and integrating the system. We will recruit participants and ask them to try out our website’s different functionalities, and ask for their feedback. We will also test latency in camera and projectors, as well as power requirement for RPI and motor.

Xiaoyu’s Status report for 11/4

This week I was working on controlling the stepper motor with Raspberry Pi. I spent quite some time learning to boot the RPi for the first time. I had some trouble with the micro SD card but managed to resolve that. After successfully boot the Rpi and access it through SSH, I also started testing my code written last week with some simple circuitry. I don’t have the power supply needed for the motor to spin, but I visualized the input and outputs to the motor driver with LEDs and they look fine now. Attached are pictures of the RPi.

Although last week my schedule was behind, this week I am gradually catching up. I still need to put in some effort in the next few days to make the motor spin, by connecting it to a power supply and (maybe) further debugging. Also, our non-captive stepper motor should be on the way, so our team can start assembling things on the whiteboard next week.

Team Status Report for 10/28

The most significant risk we have currently is about the mechanical design of the erasing system. After discussing with professors, we realized that the friction between the side of the rails and the wheels might prevent the wheels from moving. We will address this risk by adjusting the pressure applied on erasers, which is causing the friction between rails and wheels. We also identified some back up plans, in case the original design would not work. One is to make the wheels rotate vertically to the board, but this design might also face the issue of friction caused by gravity. Another more promising back up plan is to use a screw rod with non-captive stepper motors, but the shipping time of the components is long.

We made several changes to our current design. First is that we decided to remove the solenoid from our design, as a trade-off between functionality and stability. We think that erasing only part of the board, which is what solenoids are for,  does not add too much to use case. On the other hand, solenoids add much risks and vulnerability to our physical design, because of the sudden push or pull force it exerts on the whole system. Second is that we decided to modify the eraser moving mechanism as described in the last paragraph. We now have 3 plans, and we will test each plan to see which one works best.

In response to those changes, we modified our schedule. First, the solenoid task is removed. Second, due to shipping delays, we postponed the task of building the mechanical system. We are unsure of when things will actually be delivered, but we will be working on other available parts of the project, while waiting for things to arrive.

Xiaoyu’s Status Report for 10/28

In the past week, our team further modified the eraser moving mechanism.  . I spend some time online researching about different types of stepper motor with rods and we decided to switch to non-captive stepper motors for our design. I looked for appropriate motors and screw rods and we made some new orders and are now waiting for things to arrive. Personally, I have now write some simple Rpi code to control the movement of the motor through motor driver for unit testing. Below is a screenshot of some code

Due to delays of shipping and changes of design, our team might not be on schedule in terms of the physical part of our design. We are trying to make this up by working on the code portion of our design. We will also devote more time once our orders arrive.

Next week, our schedule heavily depends on when things arrive. We are planning to start building out system on whiteboard. Personally, I will be  integrating the unit code I wrote into the whole design system. I will also be setting up Rpi and start unit testing the functionality of motor.

Xiaoyu’s Status Report for 10/21

These two weeks we basically worked on writing the design report. Based on feedback and discussion with professors, we decided to rewrite our use case. Also, we added a lot more design details about how we would connect each components physically. We ended up ordering many new components for the project. Personally, I am staring to set up Raspberry Pi and wrote some pseudo code. I now have some overall idea about how my code would look like, but I still need to learn how to send correct signals to stepper motor drive. Below is a screenshot of part of the pseudo code. 

Due to changes in our design, we ended up ordering some new components during mid-semester break, which might arrive later than expected. Some of my code would need to depend on the components, so my schedule might be behind. However, I am planning to start writing code about whatever I have now, and spend some extra time fixing everything once our new orders arrive.

Next week, after the components arrive, our team will be spending much time on physically building the system and adjusting it. Personally, I will also continue to write motor and solenoid control code.

In response to the weekly question, I am learning to use Raspberry Pi for this project. I’ve had previous experience with Arduino and Nucleo microcontrollers, so I expect that learning to use RPi would not be too difficult. Another thing that I need to learn is to use stepper motor driver, which might differ from regular DC motor drivers that I used before.



Xiaoyu’s Status Report for 10/07

This week I gave the design presentation on Wednesday.As a inexperienced presenter, I spent much time preparing for it. Although the presentation did not go very smoothly, but I give it my best try. We just received feedback from Task today and I am considering them as we prepare our design report. Our team also finished submitting all our order forms and now we are just waiting for things to arrive.

My progress is currently on schedule. Recent weeks I am waiting for components to arrive and have less work planned on schedule. Next week I will be starting to write RPi code for motors and solenoids. My plan is to have some compilable code before the components arrive.  Also, I will be working with my group members on our design report next week.