This week, I spent a lot of time incorporating our new design change of using SSIM instead of VMAF as our metric, by rewriting some of the code I had locally and benchmarking more using SSIM. The end results were very satisfactory – SSIM was a lot faster than VMAF and suited the training portion of our project much better, and I also experimented with the idea of using the previous/next frames as side inputs, but decided against it due to the complexity and, importantly, the little added value of doing that compared to a solely frame-by-frame upscaling method. I also worked on the design review with my teammates to refine the details of our implementation and our project overall.
For the next week, I will spend the majority of my time writing code on AWS, finishing up my model and starting to train it with our chosen dataset. Since I have several midterms next week, I will have to balance my time well and coordinate with my team to make sure that we are working on the project on time.
Note: This individual status report was published late due to a technical issue. The initial draft shows it was created last Saturday, before the due date, but was not published and not fully saved.