William Foy’s Status Report for Dec 4 2021

This week was focused on giving our final presentation. I worked on the slides and practiced the presentation ahead of time in order to best present our project’s results. I think the presentation went well overall.

I wasn’t able to work much on the chair module this week since we had to watch other presentations and I had other class commitments. This week I plan to get everything ready for the demo which includes finishing the sleep configuration for the Xbees so we can save the power needed to extend our battery life. I also need to wire up a final chair module.

I think we are on schedule to be ready by the demo to present a reliable, working system. The data hub is pretty much done and the frontend is looking great. We will start on our video and final report soon this week.

Nathan’s Status Report for Dec 4 2021

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?

This week I finished up all the functionality of the backend, ironing out any bugs that came up during further testing. This included fixing the response codes from 201 to 200 which is more general. The backend is now very robust and extendable.

For the frontend, I finished all the requirements, such as compartmentalized region viewing. Now, viewers can see which seats are open in a subsection of the space:

I conducted a study on latency on the API calls as well as rendering for the final presentation.  I ran scripts to call the functions

create_hub: 150.2 ms
create_seats: 72.3 ms
delete_hub: 57.0 ms
delete_seats: 82.0 ms
update_seats: 68.2 ms
get_all_free_seats: 123.8 ms
Generalized worst case: 400 ms

Rendering average case: 100 ms, worst case: 200 ms

All these times meet our requirements which is great!

I then spent the rest of the time preparing for the final presentation which went really well.

Is your progress on schedule or behind?

I am on schedule with my parts and feel confident moving forward. All parts are  is working well, so now I just have to do final extra touch ups on the frontend, such as making it look prettier.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

This week, my task it to add final extra touch ups on the frontend,. Specifically, I will add the particles library to the background of the page to give it a more lively, tech feel. I will also be working on the video we must do. I can’t wait! 🙂


Team Status Report for Dec 4 2021

As this is the week of Final Presentations, our team did not make much progress in or outside of class. In addition, many of our other courses have final exams, presentation, project deadlines, and more that are piling on in the next few days. Aside from some minor adjustments on the web-app, our team has nothing of significance to report this week.

However, we are comfortably on schedule to present a proper final demonstration. Three chair sensors have been fabricated, two of which have been thoroughly tested. We have successfully ran complete integration tests from the chair to the web-app. The only outstanding tasks are: activate the second data hub (see Jonathan’s post this week for more details), brush up the web-app frontend, and debug the sleep cycle for the chair sensors.

Looking forward to a productive week ahead, and a smooth final demo!

Jonathan Cheng’s Status Report for Dec 4 2021

This week was the week of Final Presentations, and as such I have not made any progress in class time. In addition, since the data hub is largely complete, I have not spent any time outside of class to work on it. Right now, the only part we are waiting to complete is the extra chair sensor. In addition, I am waiting for my ordered SD Card to arrive. Once it does, then I can flash it with the raspberry pi OS, plug it into the second raspberry pi, and it should be active.

Due to other classes’ commitments, I will not be working on Freeseats this weekend. However, after Tuesday, I plan to retrieve my SD card, activate the second data hub, download the code onto it and wire up the second XBee. Once those steps are complete, both data hubs should be ready for the demo.