The latter half of this week saw a flurry of activity and development as the team clawed out of the doldrums of the past couple weeks. After having little to show for the first half of the week, the team
Greg’s Status Update: 10/17/20
We mentioned in the team report for this week that a big majority of our time was spent meeting about scheduling and getting a handle on what tasks there are to be done. This means that I don’t have a
Greg’s Status Update for 10/10/20
This week, we spent a lot of time working on our requirements, and, as a result, the vast majority of the time I spent on the project this week was joint with Lucas and can be found in our Team
Greg’s Status Update for 10/3/20
This is my first personal status update for the project, and so I will try to outline all of the work I’ve done on it so far. My capstone experience started out with several different issues regarding course logistics, and
Team Status Update for 10/3/20
Hello World! This is our initial status report, roughly one month into the semester. You can click read more below to get the full scoop: