Alex’s Status Report for November 7th
This week I setup the design for infinitely generating obstacles with appropriate distances between obstacles. One major requirement is that the game cannot be impossible, and to do this distances between obstacles need to be far enough so that after one jump over an obstacle, the user can have enough time for the next jump. To have a consistent spaces between obstacles, I decided to have 3 different pools of obstacle sets – easy, medium, hard. Each obstacle sets are drawn out of the pools, with varying probability, and the obstacle sets have fixed length. The goal now is to create enough of these obstacle sets so that obstacles look random. Right now the architecture for randomly choosing an obstacle is working, so now I just need to create more obstacle sets.
I also worked on destroying obstacles. After user jumps over an obstacle, the objects need to be destroyed. However destruction of obstacles are expensive operations, so I decided to destory in batches. To do this a mechanism for figuring out which obstacles had been passed by the character needed to be implemented. I decided to use an invisible collider. After user passes the obstacles, when obstacles hit the invisible collider, I put them into a separate array to be destroyed later.
Overall I am slightly behind schedule because such internal mechanisms for obstacle generation and destruction took longer than I thought. But overall this step was necessary for rapid further development. By next week I expect to have randomized obstacles, and overall a very playable game. With this new architecture, generating coins will be much easier, because I just need to attach coins in a very specific way for each obstacle set.