Kayla’s Status Update for October 31st
This week the data collection process was bolstered and thanks to Tarana’s hard work in coordinating the hardware system of the EMG, we were able to collect data recorded from more than a single electrode. Last week’s milestone was collecting data from a single electrode and visualizing the signal from different recorded movements over time. This week, toward the end of the week we got data collected for all the movement collected from five electrodes on the forearm. This upcoming week, I will we working directly with this data that was collected in order to apply feature extraction and begin the data classification using techniques such as PCA and wavelet transform. We received our mid-semester feedback this week as well and we spent time discussing as a team and with the TA how we can improve to be set up for an A at the end of the semester. One of the portions of the Project Design Review Report that I completed has more work to do, so I will be working on this in the final report. Expanding on the specific methods that will be used in the feature extraction and machine learning portion of the project will be a significant portion of my contributions. Things are on schedule this week and I hope to have figures and results from the classification to share next week.