Alex’s Status Report for October 31
This week I bought a texture pack from Unity Asset Store to bring in better look and feel in to the game. The new asset contains more diverse objects to create obstacles and background. The old terrain and structure is replaced with the new texture pack. I also fixed the lighting and fog issue where distant objects are grayed out. Graying out distant object can be good as it makes the game more realistic, but previously the gray distance was too short to be playable. Now the issue is fixed and the game is more playable. I am slightly behind track because I originally planned this week to work on obstacle generation but decided to work on texturing. However this was a crucial step as as I needed more objects from the new texture pack. Now that I have a plan for obstacle generation, next week’s plan is straightforward.
Next week’s job is to randomize the obstacles properly. I plan to do this by having a set number of obstacle groups, and have them pop up randomly. With enough number of obstacle groups the obstacles would look like its random. I decided to do this way because a truly random but not impossible train of obstacles would predicting distances and landing distances and randomly choosing obstacle to place in the area. This could end up in having more computational power. Instead my plan is to keep large group of obstacle sets in memory and use them.