Kayla’s Status Update for October 3
This week I spent time doing a thorough literature review of various EMG papers. I learned more about the EMG experimentation set up process in order to design our own experiment to collect EMG forearm data. Reading through EMG papers I found common classification algorithms and successful features extracted to improve EMG movement classification.
I shared with the team my primary experimental set up for data collection. After initial discussion, we decided on initial electrode placement for when we perform the experiment and collect the data for different common forearm movements. We settled on collecting data from both the left and right arm while performing the following movements for each Left and Right Arm: Wrist Flexion, Wrist Extension, Forearm Pronation, Forearm Supination, and Close Fist.
The rest of this week while we are waiting for parts to arrive, I am looking into additional classification methods that have been historically successful for EMG data. The project is moving smoothly along the schedule.
Next week I hope to begin the data collection experiment with Tarana so we can have initial data to work with and classify.