Jiamin’s Status Update for 10/10

I got my Nucleo and NFC boards in the middle of this week. I have been trying to get the boards to work together, and still haven’t had any luck. I was able to get the binary file from the demo to work by dragging it straight to the board. I also followed the tutorial for the Nucleo board to program the blinky light. I followed and watched some tutorials on how to use the STM32CubeIDE. I read up on HAL drivers and did some reading into the X-CUBE-NFC02 documentation about the functions that will be available to use. Seems like I will be using the NDEF library available to us. I ordered the ST25 NFC tags. Hopefully I will get those soon when I go back to Pittsburgh next Saturday. The issue with the drivers on the NFC is that it was only programmed to work with 2 types of boards within the STM32 series, and the documentation claims that it works with any type of STM32 board. But I still can’t get the files to compile. I am getting make errors, so I will have to look more into that next week. 

The progress is still on schedule. By next week, I would really like to get the drivers for the NFC to work with the Nucleo board. If I can get that to work, then I would like to use some of the demo code and play around with that to learn more about the libraries.