Team Status Report for 11/25

Tasks Accomplished

  • Final Enclosure:

We cut out the enclosure using the laser cutter and assembled it to see what our final product looks like. Here are the images of the model and the actual printed product.


  • Fixed buggy RFID scanner behavior:

We used to have a bug where a byte gets lost in transmission when the Nucleo board sends the unique ID to the Nano. We were able to fix this on Nucleo’s side by always sending two sets of ID in case one of the bytes get lost. The nano is now able to detect if some bytes were lost and recover those bytes by reading the duplicated string.

  • Connected the red/green LED for RFID:

We wired the red and green LED to blink when invalid and valid ID’s are scanned, respectively. We also had to adjust the resistor values to make sure the green LED wasn’t blinking when the system is off, as the green LED has a lower turn-on threshold voltage.

  • Optimized Facial Detection FrameRate:

Initially, we were obtaining an fps of ~4. Now, we are achieving an fps of ~7.

  • Integration:

We integrated the logic for scanning RFID, flashing LED, measuring temperature, detecting a face, and sending the information to the cloud. We had to handle some edge cases, such as when a user moves away during the temperature measurement. Now our system has a fully integrated functionality.


  • Create a mock database functionality for users to be able to import their own RFID database and check against the scanned ID.
  • Add code to display temperature results on the screen.
  • IoT app development (front-end & back-end).
  • Organize the content inside our enclosure and paint it!


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