This week I contacted my friend who worked at TechSpark to help us out with our enclosure idea. We got all of our final pieces in, including the display monitor and power strip, so we were finally able to get the dimensions that were needed. The detailed photos are shown in this week’s team status report. Iris and I met to finish the integration between the Jetson Nano and Nucleo. We were finally able to get the strings to concatenate correctly on the Nano. For some reason when we are inactive for some period of time, we would lose the first byte of the string UID. We explored the possibility of a timing issue and considered maybe having the Nucleo do a memory write to the Nano. In the end, we modified the code to be able to get the correct string by having the user tap twice. With this change, we needed something to indicate to the user the read and sending of the string UID was not successful. Thus, tomorrow I will go into HH with the team to wire LEDs to a breadboard and to the GPIO pins of the Nano. Since we will be going into lab tomorrow, I will also test out the “wake up” signal again. I am still on track since most of the things on the hardware side is done, we are just figuring out the rest of the pieces for things to come together during integration. Next week, I am hoping we will have the CAD files for the enclosure ready but not sure if we will be able to laser cut the prototype. I heard from my friend that TechSpark is closing for students due to increased COVID cases 🙁 so we might have to reach out to a staff to do the laser cut for us. I will continue to work with the team as issues come up, and I will also see if Iris and Minji need any help on the IoT side.