This week we had a demo to show our project’s progress so far. We were able to showcase the basic functionalities of the RFID scanner, face/mask detection, temperature collection working separately. Moving along, we are going to finish up integrating the systems and switching the gear to work on the IoT solution.
We received some guidance from Cindy regarding the IoT side. We are using an existing IoT application (from popular tutorials) to first have a demo app up and running. This allows us to first configure the pipeline between the Nano and our application’s backend, so we can work on the actual application interface afterward. Right now, we are successfully sending the temperature and RFID data to the hub and is able to use Azure’s SDK’s to write a script to forward the data to a specific endpoint. We’re still in the process of configuring the application back-end’s endpoint to receive the data. We’ll continue to work on that and hopefully finish up setting up the pipeline by the middle of the next week.
We also had a meeting with TechSpark to discuss possible encasement designs. We weren’t able to have an actual meeting to discuss the specifics since TechSpark was closed for a bit due to a positive Covid case. 🙁
We have brainstormed some ideas and also ordered an existing enclosure for the RPi camera. We are planning on setting up another meeting to see if we can have a prototype ready in a week or two.