This week I 3D printed the servo motor horn that we’ll use in our setup. I originally planned on printing it in 2 parts due to horn shape concerns, and after 4 print attempts over 3 days I managed to get both parts functioning. The bottom mounts on the servo motor, while the top fits the lock tailpiece. The durability should last, but if it doesn’t it isn’t the worst to 3D print more parts out as I believe TechSpark is open after Thanksgiving. Once secured, the custom horn does its job of allowing the servo motor to open the door. I’ve also begun doing some CAD on the demo shell we plan to use. I’m going with an open top box design for now (subject to change), and the current issues revolve around making sure measurements will be precise enough to fit everything inside well.
Open issues: finishing the remainder of the 3D design and printing the last few things we need. Ideally I think I’ll be able to get the parts printed before Thanksgiving, and that’s all I’ll be focusing on next week.