This week, we were able to prevent our subsystems in our MVP during our project demo. Alex Li worked on Android app UI development and functionality, Alex Xu worked on lock mechanism and casing CAD design, and Michael worked on transitioning to REST API and developing its security. We met briefly for our project demo to show off our work so far to Vyas and Jiaqi, and we also talked about how to adhere to our remaining schedule as we wrap up the capstone project.
One risk we need to factor in is the delay in TechSpark services that may crop up as we approach the end of the semester. The self-serve 3D printers are mostly unaffected, but just to be safe, we’d like to get as much of the CAD designing done as soon as possible to avoid any pitfalls. The COVID-19 case at TechSpark unfortunately limits working as closely as we would have liked with TechSpark staff, but we will try our best to work with what we have left. We think that optimistically we’ll still be okay in following our schedule despite these potential delays.
A minor change to the existing design of the system was the addition of the REST API to our system. It will take the place of where we originally wanted to open a WebSocket connection. This change was necessary due to a couple of compatability issues WebSockets were causing to the remainder of our system, and we’re confident that this switch can be done within a fast timeframe and maintain the same level of security and speed we previously had aimed for.
Next week, we plan to finish the two aforementioned tasks related to REST API and CAD, and we’ll also develop functionality and implement a better UI to our Android application.