This week was essentially the official start of our capstone project. While we did some project pivoting, the core of what I intend to do remains the same, as a lot of the interconnect between the motors, circuits, and other electronic parts remain unchanged. However, as of right now we’re still in the ordering phase of the project. We’re in the process of talking to Jiaqi and Quinn, and hopefully we’ll start getting our parts ordered so we can begin tinkering with them. Until then, I plan on looking into a few Arduino tutorials so I can start interfacing between the motor and the circuitry. Scheduling-wise, we’re doing pretty well so far as we’ve taken into account the time to order parts into our Gantt chart. In terms of deliverables, I think I’d like to hook up an Arduino to a breadboard and get some kind of LED output to make sure that the Arduino isn’t broken.