Week of 12/1 – Saransh Agarwal

Focused on getting the final presentation ready and on integrating the DSP part. It has been done so by sending a complete wav file to the backend.

Next week, the focus is to complete the final report. and get the system ready for demo, by improving the performance of the front and backend communication, and add a final score page.

Week of 11/17 – Saransh Agarwal

Spent the week finishing up the implementation of Wad.js functions and helping test the noise filter so that it can be added to the main pipeline.

Still need to integrate the digital signal processing part with the backend.

Have slack coming up so we should be able to catch up,over thanksgiving break.

Week of 11/10 – Saransh Agarwal

This week I tested if the filtered mic works with the laptop/webapp interface properly, as part of combining all our components. I did not get to a stage where I could combine the DSP part into the application due to problems from last week, a team member being sick, and having a big project(USB) due for 341. As per the schedule there is still a couple of days left to finish combining it but realistically it is a goal for next week, and I have adjusted the schedule by 2 days.

Other than that I did work on the frontend by implementing Wad.js functions and we now have direct mic access.

Plan for next week is to combine the DSP part and store the microphone data into the database in an efficient manner.

Week of 11/3 – Saransh Agarwal

Was behind schedule due to trouble with MATLAB Engine API (discrepancy between official documentation and implementation).  To resolve this the MATLAB code is being converted to Python and I am working on converting the environment to a previous Python version as well. It is worth pursuing both avenues as the Python version not only acts as a safeguard but also allows us to benchmark the performance between the two, to get some quantative metrics.

I have also updated my schedule with more detail to focus efforts in these last 4 weeks, based on the demo date.

Week of 10/20 – Saransh

Built the backend models and created a CRUD system as promised. Also started working on the  gui decisions as per our schedule, since it has to be coordinated with the DSP part and should not block the main pipeline from moving forward.

Next week we have the ethics discussion and my plan is to wrap up the frontend part of our application in its basic form, so that we can join all our parts together and have a complete test run to whatever capacity possible, and spend some time ensuring they run together by the demo.

Week of 9/29 – Saransh Agarwal

This week I was responsible for freezing the API so that we can build our respective parts without having to wait for the others. We did have a discussion which allowed us to think more about what each of us needs for Input and Output.

This is an artifact from our initial discussion 

Week of 9/22 – Saransh Agarwal


This week was spent on finalizing the details of our project. I personally researched the software stack including-

open source audio frameworks we can use to implement audio input and decided on using Wad.js.

Flask backend as most of our functionality will be on the frontend and flask provides a barebones, highly customizable framework meeting our needs.

React Frontend as I have some experience using it, and it is very well documented.

I am on schedule and plan to design and freeze the APIs by the end of the week, so that other parts are not dependent on changes in implementation but only on design.