This week was spent working on creating voice samples for testing, finishing the voice detection algorithm and finishing the Design Review Document.
Instead of manually recording testing samples and converting it in audacity or some other software, I created a MATLAB script with autorecorder that records small 4-second (or however long I wanted) samples and saves it in MATLAB. This allowed me to both create samples easily and more conveniently, since I didn’t need external software and removed the cumbersome step of manually converting and importing samples to test. I was able to look at both the time and frequency domain representations and found that generally it was easier to analyze the energy in the time domain. This is because there were clear gaps between words which resulted in large changes in energy relative to time. In the frequency domain, rap vocals varied too much and didn’t show any significant interesting features to test on.
I also spent a lot of time finishing up the Design Review Document. In there is a much more detailed outline of how all the algorithms will work. Next week, I want to optimize the Spectral Energy Density I am performing on the vocals to get better accuracy. I will change it based on how testing goes. So far, I am relatively on track. I am a few days behind since I was behind last week, but that is due to the pivot our group performed. However, I still have slack time left and the project is well-within reach to finish on time.