Week of 10/20 – Saransh

Built the backend models and created a CRUD system as promised. Also started working on the  gui decisions as per our schedule, since it has to be coordinated with the DSP part and should not block the main pipeline from moving forward.

Next week we have the ethics discussion and my plan is to wrap up the frontend part of our application in its basic form, so that we can join all our parts together and have a complete test run to whatever capacity possible, and spend some time ensuring they run together by the demo.

Week of 10/20

This week our team is starting to finish our individual parts so we can put them together in time for the demo. We have run into an issue where we are not confident about the latency of all the different parts being able to display to the UI on time. However, since this is in preparation for our demo, we can iron out these issues later down the road.

However, this is an issue we expected to run into as putting the different parts together is the most complicated. We are also all working on polishing our individual parts. We see no other project wide problems aside from those described in the individual parts.

Week of 10/20 – Jiahao Zhou

This week I optimized the rapping tempo detection program by implementing better smoothing to the signal before onset detection. Here is a a 30 second long rap vocal track after it has been smoothed out.

I tested it on shorter signals and the beat detection seems to be much more accurate.

So far, I am on schedule according to the new schedule. I have used up my week of slack, which means from now on I need to be very cautious of how I use my time. I cannot fall behind now. Next week I will work with Saransh to implement rapping tempo detection into the backend so we can get a working UI display up before the demo.

Week of 10/20

  • Built a passive low pass circuit, using a resistor and capacitor from the lab. Also, calculated the capacitor and resistor values for the high pass filter. The goal is a filter that allows frequencies between 40Hz – 14Hz, so picking the proper resistors and capacitors an important. Currently, there is a 4-kiloohm resistor and 1 microFarad capacitor for the low pass filter and a 10-ohm resistor and 1 microFarad. Also, parts were picked up and moved into the lab.
  • The schedule is on progress
  • Plans for the upcoming week is to implement the high pass filter. Also, test that the low pass and high pass filter works for the proper frequency range using the lab oscilloscope, and then start the process of connecting the microphone to the circuit.

Week of 10/13

This week our group made more progress in finishing our Minimum Viable Product. However, we had one team member out of town and another was sick, so we weren’t able to meet as often as we would have liked. However, we are still on track to finish the project on time given our slack. We are weary of last minute bugs that may crop up as we finish our code and it becomes complicated. Another aspect we have given plenty of time in case a problem does arise, is combining application features. We can definitely see a lot of issues during this last phase of putting everything together, so we are keen on testing individual units and making sure they work very well first.

Week of 10/13 – Jiahao Zhou

This week was spent optimizing the voice beat detection with different bands. Instead of focusing on all frequency spectrums, different frequency bands were given varying weights. I also generated more 4/4 beat test vocals, however I was not able to finish testing because I was busy with midterms. In addition, I was sick beginning Wednesday and thus had to move most of the work to Friday and this coming weekend. Since I have a week of slack, I plan to shift everything back and still be on schedule.

Week of 10/13

  • Filled out multiple order forms for the different types of parts that are going currently going to be used for the filter. Items like mics, jack breakouts, different types of splitters, and etc. Waiting for the parts to be delivered. Also, looked into the type of resistors and capacitors to use for the filter circuit.
  • The schedule is on progress
  • For the upcoming week, planning on building a filter circuit and using an oscilloscope to test that the circuit filters within the desired range of approximately 40Hz – 14kHz

Week of 10/06

  • Decide to switch microphone to be used in system with a different microphone. The change was made because the new mic is battery powered and the old mic for the system was not. Having a mic with its own more source gives one less thing to worry about.
  • Currently, the plan is slighlty behind schedule, plans to get back on schedule is to order parts in the coming week
  • Plans for coming week is order parts, and start to build the circuit on a breadboard,  using the circuit components, like resistore, provide by the design course

Week of 10/6

We spent this week finishing the Design Review Document, which took up most of our time. We are on schedule given the pivot we made. There are no major concerns present as of now.