- Parts for car, as well as extra decawaves came in. Beginning installation of hardware for car now.
- Tested reliability of bicycle sensors, started integration of software and hardware of bicycle sensors.
Zexi Yao Status Update Team B0
- Wrote socket integration into collision detection code, awaiting debugging and live testing
- Started working with the API of the apps and sensors on the bicycle, and am working on passing live feed data from the sensors to the app.
- Waiting on hardware installation on the car side before integration can commence for the car
Team B0 Status Update 11/2
Team Status
- Individual hardware and software parts are currently making good progress. We estimate to be able to start integration by Monday, and to have all subsystems ready to begin integration by the Monday after that
- Plans for integration have been laid out, we know exactly what data needs to be transmitted from the hardware side to the software side
- Speed for the car and bike
- Location for the car and bike
- Heading of the car and bike
Zexi Yao Status Update 11/2
- Basic Collision Detection program completed.
- Started testing of socket code between phone and laptop – theoretically should work fine between phones. Behavior is identical with regards to sockets.
- Prepared software for midterm demo! 😀
We are on track to our goals for the midterm demo, however we need to work on integration ASAP, as we expect to encounter some bugs in the future.
To Do
1. Touch up on the final parts of the mid term demo.
2. Begin integration with hardware side ASAP.
Kyle Kozlowski Update Post 11/2/19
Capstone Status Update
Hardware Design
- Evaluated various sensor options needed to obtain necessary data for algorithm
- Bicycle sensor system designed for demo
- All necessary parts have been ordered and are ready in lab
- Assembly on bicycle finishing tomorrow for demo
- A delay in obtaining parts has forced a delay in independent parts and testing bluetooth
- This has been simplified by switching to bluetooth-enabled parts and removing the need for the RPi
To Do
- Confirm bluetooth connectivity
- Preliminary hardware integration