This week we’ve been ramping up for the demo as a team. We have been integrating our separate parts to create a basic circuit that will demonstrate our game logic and spell processing code which takes input from the IMU sensor. We still need to get working on the comms working, but once we’ve got our Individual staffs logic working, then we can work on cross-staff logic. The goal for the midpoint demo is to be able to use basic buttons to control the game while being able to create a spell payload using the IMU input processor code. We will use the terminal output to demonstrate that our code logic is sound.
This week I’ve successfully added forking and child reaping to our code, but the sound player is still buggy. I’ve added more game flow logic and created functions that handle the imu data that’s being created in Dong Hun’s code. The spells are stored in an array initialized at 0 for each spell element. That spell array is passed to the other staff, and that damage is processed by the other staff. For the demo, we are going to just send the spell payload to ourselves and show how the game would process that. As for the schedule, we’re about a week behind because we need to get this preliminary circuit working. Programming in C is definitely a lot more tedious than we previously predicted.