What we did this week as a group:
- Placed orders for Raspberry Pi, ultrasonic sensors, camera, and wires
- Set up project website
- Started building ParkSmart Android App
- Brainstormed on how to integrate the data from ultrasonic sensors and camera
- Sketch
- As shown in the sketch, we hope to draw an outline of obstacles around the vehicles based on the data from ultrasonic sensors, and then show the outline on the App so to give the driver a better visual understanding of the surroundings
- We will then pass the data to our algorithm to provide instruction based on the spatial outline
Hubert Yu
- Setting up android development environment
- Upload android demo projects and introduce basic android development
- Explore android & rpi video streaming options
- H.264 https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/7446/how-can-i-stream-h-264-video-from-the-raspberry-pi-camera-module-via-a-web-serve
- MJPEG https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/stream-video-from-the-raspberry-pi-camera-to-web-browsers-even-on-ios-and-android
- Mp4 https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/streaming-video-in-android-apps–cms-19888
- High level idea:
- Camera stream -> MJPEG -> android app
- Camera stream -> H.264 -> android app
- Camera stream -> MP4 (compressed) -> android app
- https://github.com/mbebenita/Broadway/issues/59
- H264 streaming pear and open source app (looks very useful)
Zilei Gu
- Created initial repository for android app
- Setup android development environment & exploring android development panels
- Android UI crash course
- More readings on parallel parking (double touch: https://crucialminutiae.wordpress.com/2007/08/13/the-perfect-parallel-park/)
- Readings on RPi wireless access point (https://github.com/SurferTim/documentation/blob/6bc583965254fa292a470990c40b145f553f6b34/configuration/wireless/access-point.md and (https://learn.adafruit.com/setting-up-a-raspberry-pi-as-a-wifi-access-point/overview)
Yuqing Ma
- Updated the first blog post
Setup Android development environment
Crash course on Android development
Built baseline UI for ParkSmart Android App
Researched on interfacing ultrasonic sensors with Raspberry Pi (https://www.modmypi.com/blog/hc-sr04-ultrasonic-range-sensor-on-the-raspberry-pi, https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-distance-sensor/, https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/physical-computing/14)