Weekly Update 11/26 – 12/2

What we did as a team

  • Integrated parking algorithm and instruction generation into the Android App
  • Conducted various tests
    • distance test for ultrasonic sensors
    • predicted path
    • parking algorithm user(Yuqing) testing
    • Setup for testing sensor reading accuracy


  • Rewired the circuits to ensure better presentation of the vehicle
  • Reconfigured arduino code to auto-restart after time-out


  • Finished working on parking algorithm
    • adjusting finishing conditions
    • adjusting verbosity of the instruction during the first phase
    • adjusting range for appropriate distance to the right during the first phase
    • adjusting detection mechanism for switching from state 2 to 3
      • previously relying on a single point, due to unstable values at the reading point, changed to use 2 readings


  • Finished working on audio instructions for parking algorithm
  • Designated driver


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