Weekly Update 10/29 – 11/03

What we did as a group

  • Reconnected jumper wires
  • Changed our current network protocol, so that no socket is reused and RPI can handle the video streaming between socket read/writes. This solved our previous problem not being able to stream & draw
  • Changed ultrasonic sensor pulling rate so that (1) no outdated data is being used to draw contour,  (2) delay for each reading is less. We improved our reading delay significantly.
  • Progress was made toward path prediction shown on the outline graph and path prediction overlay on the streamed video. Testing still needs to done next week to fine tune those.
  • Prepare for midpoint demo: update our schedule & distribute work for the next 5 weeks


  • Rearranged socket code so that RPI can execute stream-related code when the outline drawing isn’t requesting data
  • Worked on Arduino code for ultrasonic sensor sampling algorithm
    • Changed continuous write to pull based write
    • Changed median method to sample fewer values for lower delay without noticeable decrease in accuracy
    • Worked around serial race condition to decrease delay


  • Debug socket connection & analyze the problem
  • Worked on front end and aesthetics
    • Buttons
    • Shaded area
  • Worked on path prediction overlay & finish path prediction graph on the outline


  • Debug socket connection & analyze the problem
  • Debug Arduino readings after it was changed from continuous write to pull-based
  • Prepare for demo & revised Gantt Chart

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