Weekly Update 10/22 – 10/28

What we did as a team

  • Attached ultrasonic sensors, camera, and gyroscope to the testing vehicle
  • Measured dimensions of the vehicle and discussed solutions for sensor attachment & wiring
  • Obstacle outline with all 9 ultrasonic sensors
    • Discussed any potential changes to the positions


  • Attached camera to the back of the vehicle and connected camera to RPi
  • Realized rapid video streaming within customized view in Android app.
  • Added view container for path prediction overlay on video streaming video.
  • Path prediction conceptual effect:


  • Added car dimension constants to our library
  • Finished sensor initialization & indexing for RPISensorAdpator that initializes all sensor coordinates & types for later use by the drawing tool
    • differentiating between front-left, front-right, left, right, back ultrasonic sensors so that the angle of detection could be based on the type of the sensor placement
    • positions & types of the sensors relative to the car are initialized at compile time
  • Finished RPI to Android numerical data parser, this completes the entire pipe of numerical data
    • splitting a list
    • changing the rpi output to be formatted so that only few digits are transmitted
  • Test using dynamic sensor readings for drawing
  • Worked on socket networking to transfer data, we have a working dynamically updated obstacle outline as of Sunday



  • Experimentally determined the relationship between steering wheel angle and car wheel angle
    • Maximum car wheel turn angle is ~20 degrees (19.89)
    • When car wheel turned to its max angle, roll calculated by gyroscope reading is around +- 30
    • Hence, we are going to approximate the car wheel angle by multiply gyro roll reading by 2/3
  • Modified plotting algorithm based on measurements of the testing vehicle to reflect more realistic ratio
  • Connected 4 ultrasonic sensors and gyroscope to the front Arduino
  • Connected ultrasonic sensors to the back Arduino


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